@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script # echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ # echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole # echo ######################################### echo. :: Basic error checks IF NOT EXIST esptool.exe GOTO ESPERROR set BR=921600 for /f "tokens=1" %%A in ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID^,PNPDeviceID^|findstr /i VID_303A') do set "_com=%%A" if not [!_com!]==[] echo Attempting to use serial port: !_com! & GOTO CHOOSE_FW echo ESP32S2 DevBoard not found (make sure to hold BOOT when plugging in USB.) echo Otherwise please check or reconnect the USB connection with the DevBoard. GOTO ERREXIT :CHOOSE_FW echo. echo Which action to perform? echo. echo 1. Flash Marauder echo 2. Update Marauder echo. set choice_fw= set /p choice_fw= Type choice and hit enter: if '%choice_fw%'=='1' GOTO MARAUDER if '%choice_fw%'=='2' GOTO UPDATE echo Please choose 1, or 2! ping -n 5 cls GOTO CHOOSE_FW :MARAUDER cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script # echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ # echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole # echo ######################################### echo. set last_firmware= for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir Marauder\esp32_marauder*flipper.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT REM esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000 esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 Marauder\bootloader.bin 0x8000 Marauder\partitions.bin 0x10000 Marauder\!last_firmware! GOTO DONE :UPDATE cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script # echo # By Frog, tweaked by UberGuidoZ # echo # and by ImprovingRigmarole # echo ######################################### echo. echo Please download flipper BIN file to Marauder folder and rerun Flasher. echo. echo Press any key to open Marauder download location in default browser... pause>NUL start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest GOTO ERREXIT :DONE echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Process has completed! Please disconnect your Wifi Devboard and connect it to your Flipper Zero. echo. echo ========================================================================== echo ERRORS ABOVE MAY BE NORMAL - Please ignore them for now and give it a try. echo ========================================================================== echo. echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.) pause>nul exit :ESPERROR echo esptool.exe is missing. Please download and extract the full package. GOTO ERREXIT :ERREXIT echo. echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.) pause>nul exit