@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. :: Basic error checks IF NOT EXIST esptool.exe GOTO ESPERROR set BR=921600 for /f "tokens=1" %%A in ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID^,PNPDeviceID^|findstr /i VID_303A') do set "_com=%%A" if not [!_com!]==[] echo Attempting to use serial port: !_com! & GOTO CHOOSE_FW for /f "tokens=1" %%A in ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID^,PNPDeviceID^|findstr /i VID_10C4') do set "_com=%%A" if not [!_com!]==[] echo Attempting to use serial port: !_com! & GOTO WROOM echo Cannot find ESP32-S2 DevBoard or WROOM (Marauder)! echo For Devboard, make sure to hold BOOT when plugging in USB. echo For WROOM, try continuing to hold the boot button through the process. echo. echo Otherwise, make sure drivers are installed and USB cable is good. echo. echo Drivers: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers GOTO ERREXIT :CHOOSE_FW echo. echo Which action would you like to perform? echo. echo 1. Flash Marauder (no SD mod) to Devboard echo 2. Flash Marauder (with SD mod) to Devboard echo 3. Save Flipper Blackmagic WiFi settings echo 4. Flash Flipper Blackmagic echo 5. Download USB UART Drivers (Silicon Labs). echo 6. Update Marauder BIN file (v0.13.10 included) echo. set choice_fw= set /p choice_fw= Type choice and hit enter: if '%choice_fw%'=='1' GOTO MARAUDER if '%choice_fw%'=='2' GOTO MARAUDERSD if '%choice_fw%'=='3' GOTO BACKUP if '%choice_fw%'=='4' GOTO FLIPPERBM if '%choice_fw%'=='5' GOTO DRIVERS if '%choice_fw%'=='6' GOTO UPDATE echo Please choose 1, or 2! ping -n 5 cls GOTO CHOOSE_FW :MARAUDER cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. set last_firmware= for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir Marauder\esp32_marauder*flipper.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000 echo Firmware Erased, preparing write... ping -n 5 > NUL esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 Marauder\bootloader.bin 0x8000 Marauder\partitions.bin 0x10000 Marauder\!last_firmware! GOTO DONE :MARAUDERSD cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. echo Make sure you have followed the instructions for your breakout board! echo. echo Press any key to open a link to the instructions, then start the flashing process. echo. pause>nul start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/wiki/flipper-zero#sd-card-modification echo. set last_firmware= for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir Marauder\esp32_marauder*flipper.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000 echo Firmware Erased, preparing write... ping -n 5 > NUL esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 Marauder\bootloader.bin 0x8000 Marauder\partitions.bin 0x10000 Marauder\!last_firmware! GOTO DONE :BACKUP cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. echo Saving Flipper Blackmagic WiFi Settings to "FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin" esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 -a no_reset read_flash 0x9000 0x6000 FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin GOTO DONE :FLIPPERBM cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. IF EXIST FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin ( echo Flashing Flipper Blackmagic with WiFi Settings restore esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 FlipperBlackmagic\bootloader.bin 0x8000 FlipperBlackmagic\partition-table.bin 0x9000 FlipperBlackmagic\nvs.bin 0x10000 FlipperBlackmagic\blackmagic.bin ) ELSE ( echo Flashing Flipper Blackmagic without WiFi Settings restore esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000 echo Firmware Erased, preparing write... ping -n 5 > NUL esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32s2 --before default_reset -a no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x1000 FlipperBlackmagic\bootloader.bin 0x8000 FlipperBlackmagic\partition-table.bin 0x10000 FlipperBlackmagic\blackmagic.bin ) GOTO DONE :WROOM echo. echo Which action would you like to perform? echo. echo 1. Flash Marauder WROOM (including older v4 OEM). echo 2. Update Marauder BIN file (v0.13.10 included). echo 3. Download USB UART Drivers (Silicon Labs). echo. set choice= set /p choice= Type choice and hit enter: if '%choice%'=='1' GOTO WRMARAUDER if '%choice%'=='2' GOTO WRUPDATE if '%choice%'=='3' GOTO DRIVERS echo Please choose 1, 2, or 3! ping -n 5 cls GOTO CHOOSE :WRMARAUDER cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. set last_firmware= for /f "tokens=1" %%F in ('dir WROOM\esp32_marauder*_old_hardware.bin /b /o-n') do set last_firmware=%%F IF [!last_firmware!]==[] echo Please get and copy the last firmware from ESP32Marauder's Github Releases & GOTO ERREXIT esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% -c esp32 --before default_reset -a no_reset erase_region 0x9000 0x6000 echo Firmware Erased, preparing write... ping -n 3 > NUL esptool.exe -p !_com! -b %BR% --before default_reset -a hard_reset -c esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 2MB 0x1000 WROOM\bootloader.bin 0x8000 WROOM\partitions.bin 0x10000 WROOM\!last_firmware! 0xE000 WROOM\boot_app.bin GOTO WRDONE :WRUPDATE cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. echo Please download OLD_HARDWARE.BIN file to WROOM folder, delete any other BIN files, and rerun Flasher. echo. echo Press any key to open Marauder download location in default browser... pause>NUL start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest GOTO ERREXIT :DRIVERS cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. echo Please download and install the correct drivers and rerun Flasher. echo. echo Press any key to open driver download location in default browser... pause>NUL start https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers GOTO ERREXIT :UPDATE cls echo. echo ######################################### echo # Marauder Flasher Script v2.70 # echo # By UberGuidoZ, original by Frog # echo # Tweaked by ImprovingRigmarole # echo # WROOM inspired by SkeletonMan # echo ######################################### echo. echo Please download the correct flipper BIN file to Marauder or SD folder, echo delete any other BIN files, and rerun Flasher... echo. echo Press any key to open Marauder download location in default browser... pause>NUL start https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest GOTO ERREXIT :DONE echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Process has completed! Please disconnect your Devboard and connect it to your Flipper Zero. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo ========================================================================== echo ERRORS ABOVE MAY BE NORMAL - Please ignore them for now and give it a try. echo ========================================================================== echo. echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.) pause>nul exit :WRDONE echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Process has completed. Device may reboot to finish the update. echo Otherwise, disconnect the device and plug it into your Flipper! echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo ========================================================================== echo ERRORS ABOVE MAY BE NORMAL - Please ignore them for now and give it a try. echo ========================================================================== echo. echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.) pause>nul exit :ESPERROR echo esptool.exe is missing. Please download and extract the full package. GOTO ERREXIT :ERREXIT echo. echo (You may now close this window or press any key to exit.) pause>nul exit