124 lines
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124 lines
5.6 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.validateKeywordUsage = exports.validSchemaType = exports.funcKeywordCode = exports.macroKeywordCode = void 0;
const codegen_1 = require("../codegen");
const names_1 = require("../names");
const code_1 = require("../../vocabularies/code");
const errors_1 = require("../errors");
function macroKeywordCode(cxt, def) {
const { gen, keyword, schema, parentSchema, it } = cxt;
const macroSchema = def.macro.call(it.self, schema, parentSchema, it);
const schemaRef = useKeyword(gen, keyword, macroSchema);
if (it.opts.validateSchema !== false)
it.self.validateSchema(macroSchema, true);
const valid = gen.name("valid");
schema: macroSchema,
schemaPath: codegen_1.nil,
errSchemaPath: `${it.errSchemaPath}/${keyword}`,
topSchemaRef: schemaRef,
compositeRule: true,
}, valid);
cxt.pass(valid, () => cxt.error(true));
exports.macroKeywordCode = macroKeywordCode;
function funcKeywordCode(cxt, def) {
var _a;
const { gen, keyword, schema, parentSchema, $data, it } = cxt;
checkAsyncKeyword(it, def);
const validate = !$data && def.compile ? def.compile.call(it.self, schema, parentSchema, it) : def.validate;
const validateRef = useKeyword(gen, keyword, validate);
const valid = gen.let("valid");
cxt.block$data(valid, validateKeyword);
cxt.ok((_a = def.valid) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : valid);
function validateKeyword() {
if (def.errors === false) {
if (def.modifying)
reportErrs(() => cxt.error());
else {
const ruleErrs = def.async ? validateAsync() : validateSync();
if (def.modifying)
reportErrs(() => addErrs(cxt, ruleErrs));
function validateAsync() {
const ruleErrs = gen.let("ruleErrs", null);
gen.try(() => assignValid((0, codegen_1._) `await `), (e) => gen.assign(valid, false).if((0, codegen_1._) `${e} instanceof ${it.ValidationError}`, () => gen.assign(ruleErrs, (0, codegen_1._) `${e}.errors`), () => gen.throw(e)));
return ruleErrs;
function validateSync() {
const validateErrs = (0, codegen_1._) `${validateRef}.errors`;
gen.assign(validateErrs, null);
return validateErrs;
function assignValid(_await = def.async ? (0, codegen_1._) `await ` : codegen_1.nil) {
const passCxt = it.opts.passContext ? names_1.default.this : names_1.default.self;
const passSchema = !(("compile" in def && !$data) || def.schema === false);
gen.assign(valid, (0, codegen_1._) `${_await}${(0, code_1.callValidateCode)(cxt, validateRef, passCxt, passSchema)}`, def.modifying);
function reportErrs(errors) {
var _a;
gen.if((0, codegen_1.not)((_a = def.valid) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : valid), errors);
exports.funcKeywordCode = funcKeywordCode;
function modifyData(cxt) {
const { gen, data, it } = cxt;
gen.if(it.parentData, () => gen.assign(data, (0, codegen_1._) `${it.parentData}[${it.parentDataProperty}]`));
function addErrs(cxt, errs) {
const { gen } = cxt;
gen.if((0, codegen_1._) `Array.isArray(${errs})`, () => {
.assign(names_1.default.vErrors, (0, codegen_1._) `${names_1.default.vErrors} === null ? ${errs} : ${names_1.default.vErrors}.concat(${errs})`)
.assign(names_1.default.errors, (0, codegen_1._) `${names_1.default.vErrors}.length`);
(0, errors_1.extendErrors)(cxt);
}, () => cxt.error());
function checkAsyncKeyword({ schemaEnv }, def) {
if (def.async && !schemaEnv.$async)
throw new Error("async keyword in sync schema");
function useKeyword(gen, keyword, result) {
if (result === undefined)
throw new Error(`keyword "${keyword}" failed to compile`);
return gen.scopeValue("keyword", typeof result == "function" ? { ref: result } : { ref: result, code: (0, codegen_1.stringify)(result) });
function validSchemaType(schema, schemaType, allowUndefined = false) {
// TODO add tests
return (!schemaType.length ||
schemaType.some((st) => st === "array"
? Array.isArray(schema)
: st === "object"
? schema && typeof schema == "object" && !Array.isArray(schema)
: typeof schema == st || (allowUndefined && typeof schema == "undefined")));
exports.validSchemaType = validSchemaType;
function validateKeywordUsage({ schema, opts, self, errSchemaPath }, def, keyword) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (Array.isArray(def.keyword) ? !def.keyword.includes(keyword) : def.keyword !== keyword) {
throw new Error("ajv implementation error");
const deps = def.dependencies;
if (deps === null || deps === void 0 ? void 0 : deps.some((kwd) => !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(schema, kwd))) {
throw new Error(`parent schema must have dependencies of ${keyword}: ${deps.join(",")}`);
if (def.validateSchema) {
const valid = def.validateSchema(schema[keyword]);
if (!valid) {
const msg = `keyword "${keyword}" value is invalid at path "${errSchemaPath}": ` +
if (opts.validateSchema === "log")
throw new Error(msg);
exports.validateKeywordUsage = validateKeywordUsage;
//# sourceMappingURL=keyword.js.map