# Ensure that go is installed. Note that this is independent of whether or not a server is being # built, since the build script itself uses go. ifeq ($(GO),) $(error "go is not available: see https://golang.org/doc/install") endif # Gather build variables to inject into the manifest tool BUILD_HASH_SHORT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) BUILD_TAG_LATEST = $(shell git describe --tags --match 'v*' --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null) BUILD_TAG_CURRENT = $(shell git tag --points-at HEAD) # Ensure that the build tools are compiled. Go's caching makes this quick. $(shell cd build/manifest && $(GO) build -ldflags '-X "main.BuildHashShort=$(BUILD_HASH_SHORT)" -X "main.BuildTagLatest=$(BUILD_TAG_LATEST)" -X "main.BuildTagCurrent=$(BUILD_TAG_CURRENT)"' -o ../bin/manifest) # Ensure that the deployment tools are compiled. Go's caching makes this quick. $(shell cd build/pluginctl && $(GO) build -o ../bin/pluginctl) # Extract the plugin id from the manifest. PLUGIN_ID ?= $(shell build/bin/manifest id) ifeq ($(PLUGIN_ID),) $(error "Cannot parse id from $(MANIFEST_FILE)") endif # Extract the plugin version from the manifest. PLUGIN_VERSION ?= $(shell build/bin/manifest version) ifeq ($(PLUGIN_VERSION),) $(error "Cannot parse version from $(MANIFEST_FILE)") endif # Determine if a server is defined in the manifest. HAS_SERVER ?= $(shell build/bin/manifest has_server) # Determine if a webapp is defined in the manifest. HAS_WEBAPP ?= $(shell build/bin/manifest has_webapp) # Determine if a /public folder is in use HAS_PUBLIC ?= $(wildcard public/.) # Determine if the mattermost-utilities repo is present HAS_MM_UTILITIES ?= $(wildcard $(MM_UTILITIES_DIR)/.) # Store the current path for later use PWD ?= $(shell pwd) # Ensure that npm (and thus node) is installed. ifneq ($(HAS_WEBAPP),) ifeq ($(NPM),) $(error "npm is not available: see https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm") endif endif