"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.merge = merge; exports.normalizeReplacements = normalizeReplacements; exports.validate = validate; const _excluded = ["placeholderWhitelist", "placeholderPattern", "preserveComments", "syntacticPlaceholders"]; function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(r, e) { if (null == r) return {}; var t = {}; for (var n in r) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(r, n)) { if (e.includes(n)) continue; t[n] = r[n]; } return t; } function merge(a, b) { const { placeholderWhitelist = a.placeholderWhitelist, placeholderPattern = a.placeholderPattern, preserveComments = a.preserveComments, syntacticPlaceholders = a.syntacticPlaceholders } = b; return { parser: Object.assign({}, a.parser, b.parser), placeholderWhitelist, placeholderPattern, preserveComments, syntacticPlaceholders }; } function validate(opts) { if (opts != null && typeof opts !== "object") { throw new Error("Unknown template options."); } const _ref = opts || {}, { placeholderWhitelist, placeholderPattern, preserveComments, syntacticPlaceholders } = _ref, parser = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded); if (placeholderWhitelist != null && !(placeholderWhitelist instanceof Set)) { throw new Error("'.placeholderWhitelist' must be a Set, null, or undefined"); } if (placeholderPattern != null && !(placeholderPattern instanceof RegExp) && placeholderPattern !== false) { throw new Error("'.placeholderPattern' must be a RegExp, false, null, or undefined"); } if (preserveComments != null && typeof preserveComments !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'.preserveComments' must be a boolean, null, or undefined"); } if (syntacticPlaceholders != null && typeof syntacticPlaceholders !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'.syntacticPlaceholders' must be a boolean, null, or undefined"); } if (syntacticPlaceholders === true && (placeholderWhitelist != null || placeholderPattern != null)) { throw new Error("'.placeholderWhitelist' and '.placeholderPattern' aren't compatible" + " with '.syntacticPlaceholders: true'"); } return { parser, placeholderWhitelist: placeholderWhitelist || undefined, placeholderPattern: placeholderPattern == null ? undefined : placeholderPattern, preserveComments: preserveComments == null ? undefined : preserveComments, syntacticPlaceholders: syntacticPlaceholders == null ? undefined : syntacticPlaceholders }; } function normalizeReplacements(replacements) { if (Array.isArray(replacements)) { return replacements.reduce((acc, replacement, i) => { acc["$" + i] = replacement; return acc; }, {}); } else if (typeof replacements === "object" || replacements == null) { return replacements || undefined; } throw new Error("Template replacements must be an array, object, null, or undefined"); } //# sourceMappingURL=options.js.map