/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const eslintScope = require("eslint-scope"); const { SyncWaterfallHook, SyncHook, SyncBailHook } = require("tapable"); const vm = require("vm"); const { ConcatSource, OriginalSource, PrefixSource, RawSource, CachedSource, ReplaceSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const Compilation = require("../Compilation"); const { tryRunOrWebpackError } = require("../HookWebpackError"); const HotUpdateChunk = require("../HotUpdateChunk"); const InitFragment = require("../InitFragment"); const { JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM, WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { last, someInIterable } = require("../util/IterableHelpers"); const StringXor = require("../util/StringXor"); const { compareModulesByIdentifier } = require("../util/comparators"); const createHash = require("../util/createHash"); const { getPathInAst, getAllReferences } = require("../util/mergeScope"); const nonNumericOnlyHash = require("../util/nonNumericOnlyHash"); const { intersectRuntime } = require("../util/runtime"); const JavascriptGenerator = require("./JavascriptGenerator"); const JavascriptParser = require("./JavascriptParser"); /** @typedef {import("eslint-scope").Scope} Scope */ /** @typedef {import("eslint-scope").Variable} Variable */ /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Output} OutputOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../CodeGenerationResults")} CodeGenerationResults */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").ChunkHashContext} ChunkHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../DependencyTemplates")} DependencyTemplates */ /** @typedef {import("../Entrypoint")} Entrypoint */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../Module").BuildInfo} BuildInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("../TemplatedPathPlugin").TemplatePath} TemplatePath */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser").Range} Range */ /** @typedef {import("../util/Hash")} Hash */ /** * @param {Chunk} chunk a chunk * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @returns {boolean} true, when a JS file is needed for this chunk */ const chunkHasJs = (chunk, chunkGraph) => { if (chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) > 0) return true; return Boolean( chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(chunk, "javascript") ); }; /** * @param {Module} module a module * @param {string} code the code * @returns {string} generated code for the stack */ const printGeneratedCodeForStack = (module, code) => { const lines = code.split("\n"); const n = `${lines.length}`.length; return `\n\nGenerated code for ${module.identifier()}\n${lines .map( /** * @param {string} line the line * @param {number} i the index * @param {string[]} lines the lines * @returns {string} the line with line number */ (line, i, lines) => { const iStr = `${i + 1}`; return `${" ".repeat(n - iStr.length)}${iStr} | ${line}`; } ) .join("\n")}`; }; /** * @typedef {object} RenderContext * @property {Chunk} chunk the chunk * @property {DependencyTemplates} dependencyTemplates the dependency templates * @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults results of code generation * @property {boolean | undefined} strictMode rendering in strict context */ /** * @typedef {object} MainRenderContext * @property {Chunk} chunk the chunk * @property {DependencyTemplates} dependencyTemplates the dependency templates * @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults results of code generation * @property {string} hash hash to be used for render call * @property {boolean | undefined} strictMode rendering in strict context */ /** * @typedef {object} ChunkRenderContext * @property {Chunk} chunk the chunk * @property {DependencyTemplates} dependencyTemplates the dependency templates * @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults results of code generation * @property {InitFragment[]} chunkInitFragments init fragments for the chunk * @property {boolean | undefined} strictMode rendering in strict context */ /** * @typedef {object} RenderBootstrapContext * @property {Chunk} chunk the chunk * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults results of code generation * @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @property {string} hash hash to be used for render call */ /** @typedef {RenderContext & { inlined: boolean }} StartupRenderContext */ /** * @typedef {object} CompilationHooks * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]>} renderModuleContent * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]>} renderModuleContainer * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]>} renderModulePackage * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>} renderChunk * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>} renderMain * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>} renderContent * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>} render * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, StartupRenderContext]>} renderStartup * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[string, RenderBootstrapContext]>} renderRequire * @property {SyncBailHook<[Module, RenderBootstrapContext], string>} inlineInRuntimeBailout * @property {SyncBailHook<[Module, RenderContext], string | void>} embedInRuntimeBailout * @property {SyncBailHook<[RenderContext], string | void>} strictRuntimeBailout * @property {SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext]>} chunkHash * @property {SyncBailHook<[Chunk, RenderContext], boolean>} useSourceMap */ /** @type {WeakMap} */ const compilationHooksMap = new WeakMap(); const PLUGIN_NAME = "JavascriptModulesPlugin"; /** @typedef {{ header: string[], beforeStartup: string[], startup: string[], afterStartup: string[], allowInlineStartup: boolean }} Bootstrap */ class JavascriptModulesPlugin { /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @returns {CompilationHooks} the attached hooks */ static getCompilationHooks(compilation) { if (!(compilation instanceof Compilation)) { throw new TypeError( "The 'compilation' argument must be an instance of Compilation" ); } let hooks = compilationHooksMap.get(compilation); if (hooks === undefined) { hooks = { renderModuleContent: new SyncWaterfallHook([ "source", "module", "renderContext" ]), renderModuleContainer: new SyncWaterfallHook([ "source", "module", "renderContext" ]), renderModulePackage: new SyncWaterfallHook([ "source", "module", "renderContext" ]), render: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "renderContext"]), renderContent: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "renderContext"]), renderStartup: new SyncWaterfallHook([ "source", "module", "startupRenderContext" ]), renderChunk: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "renderContext"]), renderMain: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "renderContext"]), renderRequire: new SyncWaterfallHook(["code", "renderContext"]), inlineInRuntimeBailout: new SyncBailHook(["module", "renderContext"]), embedInRuntimeBailout: new SyncBailHook(["module", "renderContext"]), strictRuntimeBailout: new SyncBailHook(["renderContext"]), chunkHash: new SyncHook(["chunk", "hash", "context"]), useSourceMap: new SyncBailHook(["chunk", "renderContext"]) }; compilationHooksMap.set(compilation, hooks); } return hooks; } constructor(options = {}) { this.options = options; /** @type {WeakMap} */ this._moduleFactoryCache = new WeakMap(); } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { const hooks = JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks(compilation); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createParser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, options => new JavascriptParser("auto")); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createParser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, options => new JavascriptParser("script")); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createParser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, options => new JavascriptParser("module")); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createGenerator .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => new JavascriptGenerator()); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createGenerator .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => new JavascriptGenerator()); normalModuleFactory.hooks.createGenerator .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => new JavascriptGenerator()); compilation.hooks.renderManifest.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (result, options) => { const { hash, chunk, chunkGraph, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate, dependencyTemplates, outputOptions, codeGenerationResults } = options; const hotUpdateChunk = chunk instanceof HotUpdateChunk ? chunk : null; let render; const filenameTemplate = JavascriptModulesPlugin.getChunkFilenameTemplate( chunk, outputOptions ); if (hotUpdateChunk) { render = () => this.renderChunk( { chunk, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, strictMode: runtimeTemplate.isModule() }, hooks ); } else if (chunk.hasRuntime()) { render = () => this.renderMain( { hash, chunk, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, strictMode: runtimeTemplate.isModule() }, hooks, compilation ); } else { if (!chunkHasJs(chunk, chunkGraph)) { return result; } render = () => this.renderChunk( { chunk, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, strictMode: runtimeTemplate.isModule() }, hooks ); } result.push({ render, filenameTemplate, pathOptions: { hash, runtime: chunk.runtime, chunk, contentHashType: "javascript" }, info: { javascriptModule: compilation.runtimeTemplate.isModule() }, identifier: hotUpdateChunk ? `hotupdatechunk${chunk.id}` : `chunk${chunk.id}`, hash: chunk.contentHash.javascript }); return result; }); compilation.hooks.chunkHash.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (chunk, hash, context) => { hooks.chunkHash.call(chunk, hash, context); if (chunk.hasRuntime()) { this.updateHashWithBootstrap( hash, { hash: "0000", chunk, codeGenerationResults: context.codeGenerationResults, chunkGraph: context.chunkGraph, moduleGraph: context.moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate: context.runtimeTemplate }, hooks ); } }); compilation.hooks.contentHash.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, chunk => { const { chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate, outputOptions: { hashSalt, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, hashFunction } } = compilation; const hash = createHash(hashFunction); if (hashSalt) hash.update(hashSalt); if (chunk.hasRuntime()) { this.updateHashWithBootstrap( hash, { hash: "0000", chunk, codeGenerationResults, chunkGraph: compilation.chunkGraph, moduleGraph: compilation.moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate: compilation.runtimeTemplate }, hooks ); } else { hash.update(`${chunk.id} `); hash.update(chunk.ids ? chunk.ids.join(",") : ""); } hooks.chunkHash.call(chunk, hash, { chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate }); const modules = chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType( chunk, "javascript" ); if (modules) { const xor = new StringXor(); for (const m of modules) { xor.add(chunkGraph.getModuleHash(m, chunk.runtime)); } xor.updateHash(hash); } const runtimeModules = chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType( chunk, WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME ); if (runtimeModules) { const xor = new StringXor(); for (const m of runtimeModules) { xor.add(chunkGraph.getModuleHash(m, chunk.runtime)); } xor.updateHash(hash); } const digest = /** @type {string} */ (hash.digest(hashDigest)); chunk.contentHash.javascript = nonNumericOnlyHash( digest, hashDigestLength ); }); compilation.hooks.additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (chunk, set, { chunkGraph }) => { if ( !set.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupNoDefault) && chunkGraph.hasChunkEntryDependentChunks(chunk) ) { set.add(RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded); set.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); set.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); } } ); compilation.hooks.executeModule.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (options, context) => { const source = options.codeGenerationResult.sources.get("javascript"); if (source === undefined) return; const { module, moduleObject } = options; const code = source.source(); const fn = vm.runInThisContext( `(function(${module.moduleArgument}, ${module.exportsArgument}, ${RuntimeGlobals.require}) {\n${code}\n/**/})`, { filename: module.identifier(), lineOffset: -1 } ); try { fn.call( moduleObject.exports, moduleObject, moduleObject.exports, context.__webpack_require__ ); } catch (err) { /** @type {Error} */ (err).stack += printGeneratedCodeForStack( options.module, /** @type {string} */ (code) ); throw err; } }); compilation.hooks.executeModule.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (options, context) => { const source = options.codeGenerationResult.sources.get("runtime"); if (source === undefined) return; let code = source.source(); if (typeof code !== "string") code = code.toString(); const fn = vm.runInThisContext( `(function(${RuntimeGlobals.require}) {\n${code}\n/**/})`, { filename: options.module.identifier(), lineOffset: -1 } ); try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call fn.call(null, context.__webpack_require__); } catch (err) { /** @type {Error} */ (err).stack += printGeneratedCodeForStack(options.module, code); throw err; } }); } ); } /** * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk * @param {OutputOptions} outputOptions output options * @returns {TemplatePath} used filename template */ static getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk, outputOptions) { if (chunk.filenameTemplate) { return chunk.filenameTemplate; } else if (chunk instanceof HotUpdateChunk) { return /** @type {TemplatePath} */ (outputOptions.hotUpdateChunkFilename); } else if (chunk.canBeInitial()) { return /** @type {TemplatePath} */ (outputOptions.filename); } return /** @type {TemplatePath} */ (outputOptions.chunkFilename); } /** * @param {Module} module the rendered module * @param {ChunkRenderContext} renderContext options object * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @param {boolean} factory true: renders as factory method, false: pure module content * @returns {Source | null} the newly generated source from rendering */ renderModule(module, renderContext, hooks, factory) { const { chunk, chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate, codeGenerationResults, strictMode } = renderContext; try { const codeGenResult = codeGenerationResults.get(module, chunk.runtime); const moduleSource = codeGenResult.sources.get("javascript"); if (!moduleSource) return null; if (codeGenResult.data !== undefined) { const chunkInitFragments = codeGenResult.data.get("chunkInitFragments"); if (chunkInitFragments) { for (const i of chunkInitFragments) renderContext.chunkInitFragments.push(i); } } const moduleSourcePostContent = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderModuleContent.call(moduleSource, module, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderModuleContent" ); let moduleSourcePostContainer; if (factory) { const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimeRequirements( module, chunk.runtime ); const needModule = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.module); const needExports = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.exports); const needRequire = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.require) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.requireScope); const needThisAsExports = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.thisAsExports ); const needStrict = /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo).strict && !strictMode; const cacheEntry = this._moduleFactoryCache.get( moduleSourcePostContent ); let source; if ( cacheEntry && cacheEntry.needModule === needModule && cacheEntry.needExports === needExports && cacheEntry.needRequire === needRequire && cacheEntry.needThisAsExports === needThisAsExports && cacheEntry.needStrict === needStrict ) { source = cacheEntry.source; } else { const factorySource = new ConcatSource(); const args = []; if (needExports || needRequire || needModule) args.push( needModule ? module.moduleArgument : `__unused_webpack_${module.moduleArgument}` ); if (needExports || needRequire) args.push( needExports ? module.exportsArgument : `__unused_webpack_${module.exportsArgument}` ); if (needRequire) args.push(RuntimeGlobals.require); if (!needThisAsExports && runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction()) { factorySource.add(`/***/ ((${args.join(", ")}) => {\n\n`); } else { factorySource.add(`/***/ (function(${args.join(", ")}) {\n\n`); } if (needStrict) { factorySource.add('"use strict";\n'); } factorySource.add(moduleSourcePostContent); factorySource.add("\n\n/***/ })"); source = new CachedSource(factorySource); this._moduleFactoryCache.set(moduleSourcePostContent, { source, needModule, needExports, needRequire, needThisAsExports, needStrict }); } moduleSourcePostContainer = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderModuleContainer.call(source, module, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderModuleContainer" ); } else { moduleSourcePostContainer = moduleSourcePostContent; } return tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderModulePackage.call( moduleSourcePostContainer, module, renderContext ), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderModulePackage" ); } catch (err) { err.module = module; throw err; } } /** * @param {RenderContext} renderContext the render context * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @returns {Source} the rendered source */ renderChunk(renderContext, hooks) { const { chunk, chunkGraph } = renderContext; const modules = chunkGraph.getOrderedChunkModulesIterableBySourceType( chunk, "javascript", compareModulesByIdentifier ); const allModules = modules ? Array.from(modules) : []; let strictHeader; let allStrict = renderContext.strictMode; if ( !allStrict && allModules.every(m => /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (m.buildInfo).strict) ) { const strictBailout = hooks.strictRuntimeBailout.call(renderContext); strictHeader = strictBailout ? `// runtime can't be in strict mode because ${strictBailout}.\n` : '"use strict";\n'; if (!strictBailout) allStrict = true; } /** @type {ChunkRenderContext} */ const chunkRenderContext = { ...renderContext, chunkInitFragments: [], strictMode: allStrict }; const moduleSources = Template.renderChunkModules(chunkRenderContext, allModules, module => this.renderModule(module, chunkRenderContext, hooks, true) ) || new RawSource("{}"); let source = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderChunk.call(moduleSources, chunkRenderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderChunk" ); source = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderContent.call(source, chunkRenderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderContent" ); if (!source) { throw new Error( "JavascriptModulesPlugin error: JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderContent plugins should return something" ); } source = InitFragment.addToSource( source, chunkRenderContext.chunkInitFragments, chunkRenderContext ); source = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.render.call(source, chunkRenderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().render" ); if (!source) { throw new Error( "JavascriptModulesPlugin error: JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().render plugins should return something" ); } chunk.rendered = true; return strictHeader ? new ConcatSource(strictHeader, source, ";") : renderContext.runtimeTemplate.isModule() ? source : new ConcatSource(source, ";"); } /** * @param {MainRenderContext} renderContext options object * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @returns {Source} the newly generated source from rendering */ renderMain(renderContext, hooks, compilation) { const { chunk, chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate } = renderContext; const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk); const iife = runtimeTemplate.isIIFE(); const bootstrap = this.renderBootstrap(renderContext, hooks); const useSourceMap = hooks.useSourceMap.call(chunk, renderContext); const allModules = Array.from( chunkGraph.getOrderedChunkModulesIterableBySourceType( chunk, "javascript", compareModulesByIdentifier ) || [] ); const hasEntryModules = chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) > 0; /** @type {Set | undefined} */ let inlinedModules; if (bootstrap.allowInlineStartup && hasEntryModules) { inlinedModules = new Set(chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk)); } const source = new ConcatSource(); let prefix; if (iife) { if (runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction()) { source.add("/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap\n"); } else { source.add("/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap\n"); } prefix = "/******/ \t"; } else { prefix = "/******/ "; } let allStrict = renderContext.strictMode; if ( !allStrict && allModules.every(m => /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (m.buildInfo).strict) ) { const strictBailout = hooks.strictRuntimeBailout.call(renderContext); if (strictBailout) { source.add( `${ prefix }// runtime can't be in strict mode because ${strictBailout}.\n` ); } else { allStrict = true; source.add(`${prefix}"use strict";\n`); } } /** @type {ChunkRenderContext} */ const chunkRenderContext = { ...renderContext, chunkInitFragments: [], strictMode: allStrict }; const chunkModules = Template.renderChunkModules( chunkRenderContext, inlinedModules ? allModules.filter( m => !(/** @type {Set} */ (inlinedModules).has(m)) ) : allModules, module => this.renderModule(module, chunkRenderContext, hooks, true), prefix ); if ( chunkModules || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactoriesAddOnly) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.require) ) { source.add(`${prefix}var __webpack_modules__ = (`); source.add(chunkModules || "{}"); source.add(");\n"); source.add( "/************************************************************************/\n" ); } if (bootstrap.header.length > 0) { const header = `${Template.asString(bootstrap.header)}\n`; source.add( new PrefixSource( prefix, useSourceMap ? new OriginalSource(header, "webpack/bootstrap") : new RawSource(header) ) ); source.add( "/************************************************************************/\n" ); } const runtimeModules = renderContext.chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk); if (runtimeModules.length > 0) { source.add( new PrefixSource( prefix, Template.renderRuntimeModules(runtimeModules, chunkRenderContext) ) ); source.add( "/************************************************************************/\n" ); // runtimeRuntimeModules calls codeGeneration for (const module of runtimeModules) { compilation.codeGeneratedModules.add(module); } } if (inlinedModules) { if (bootstrap.beforeStartup.length > 0) { const beforeStartup = `${Template.asString(bootstrap.beforeStartup)}\n`; source.add( new PrefixSource( prefix, useSourceMap ? new OriginalSource(beforeStartup, "webpack/before-startup") : new RawSource(beforeStartup) ) ); } const lastInlinedModule = /** @type {Module} */ (last(inlinedModules)); const startupSource = new ConcatSource(); if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.exports)) { startupSource.add(`var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = {};\n`); } const renamedInlinedModule = this.renameInlineModule( allModules, renderContext, inlinedModules, chunkRenderContext, hooks ); for (const m of inlinedModules) { const renderedModule = renamedInlinedModule.get(m) || this.renderModule(m, chunkRenderContext, hooks, false); if (renderedModule) { const innerStrict = !allStrict && /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (m.buildInfo).strict; const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimeRequirements( m, chunk.runtime ); const exports = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.exports); const webpackExports = exports && m.exportsArgument === RuntimeGlobals.exports; const iife = innerStrict ? "it need to be in strict mode." : inlinedModules.size > 1 ? // TODO check globals and top-level declarations of other entries and chunk modules // to make a better decision "it need to be isolated against other entry modules." : exports && !webpackExports ? `it uses a non-standard name for the exports (${m.exportsArgument}).` : hooks.embedInRuntimeBailout.call(m, renderContext); let footer; if (iife !== undefined) { startupSource.add( `// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because ${iife}\n` ); const arrow = runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction(); if (arrow) { startupSource.add("(() => {\n"); footer = "\n})();\n\n"; } else { startupSource.add("!function() {\n"); footer = "\n}();\n"; } if (innerStrict) startupSource.add('"use strict";\n'); } else { footer = "\n"; } if (exports) { if (m !== lastInlinedModule) startupSource.add(`var ${m.exportsArgument} = {};\n`); else if (m.exportsArgument !== RuntimeGlobals.exports) startupSource.add( `var ${m.exportsArgument} = ${RuntimeGlobals.exports};\n` ); } startupSource.add(renderedModule); startupSource.add(footer); } } if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded)) { startupSource.add( `${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ${RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded}(${RuntimeGlobals.exports});\n` ); } source.add( hooks.renderStartup.call(startupSource, lastInlinedModule, { ...renderContext, inlined: true }) ); if (bootstrap.afterStartup.length > 0) { const afterStartup = `${Template.asString(bootstrap.afterStartup)}\n`; source.add( new PrefixSource( prefix, useSourceMap ? new OriginalSource(afterStartup, "webpack/after-startup") : new RawSource(afterStartup) ) ); } } else { const lastEntryModule = /** @type {Module} */ (last(chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk))); /** @type {function(string[], string): Source} */ const toSource = useSourceMap ? (content, name) => new OriginalSource(Template.asString(content), name) : content => new RawSource(Template.asString(content)); source.add( new PrefixSource( prefix, new ConcatSource( toSource(bootstrap.beforeStartup, "webpack/before-startup"), "\n", hooks.renderStartup.call( toSource(bootstrap.startup.concat(""), "webpack/startup"), lastEntryModule, { ...renderContext, inlined: false } ), toSource(bootstrap.afterStartup, "webpack/after-startup"), "\n" ) ) ); } if ( hasEntryModules && runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.returnExportsFromRuntime) ) { source.add(`${prefix}return ${RuntimeGlobals.exports};\n`); } if (iife) { source.add("/******/ })()\n"); } /** @type {Source} */ let finalSource = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderMain.call(source, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderMain" ); if (!finalSource) { throw new Error( "JavascriptModulesPlugin error: JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderMain plugins should return something" ); } finalSource = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderContent.call(finalSource, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderContent" ); if (!finalSource) { throw new Error( "JavascriptModulesPlugin error: JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderContent plugins should return something" ); } finalSource = InitFragment.addToSource( finalSource, chunkRenderContext.chunkInitFragments, chunkRenderContext ); finalSource = tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.render.call(finalSource, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().render" ); if (!finalSource) { throw new Error( "JavascriptModulesPlugin error: JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().render plugins should return something" ); } chunk.rendered = true; return iife ? new ConcatSource(finalSource, ";") : finalSource; } /** * @param {Hash} hash the hash to be updated * @param {RenderBootstrapContext} renderContext options object * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks */ updateHashWithBootstrap(hash, renderContext, hooks) { const bootstrap = this.renderBootstrap(renderContext, hooks); for (const _k of Object.keys(bootstrap)) { const key = /** @type {keyof Bootstrap} */ (_k); hash.update(key); if (Array.isArray(bootstrap[key])) { for (const line of bootstrap[key]) { hash.update(line); } } else { hash.update(JSON.stringify(bootstrap[key])); } } } /** * @param {RenderBootstrapContext} renderContext options object * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @returns {Bootstrap} the generated source of the bootstrap code */ renderBootstrap(renderContext, hooks) { const { chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults, moduleGraph, chunk, runtimeTemplate } = renderContext; const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk); const requireFunction = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.require); const moduleCache = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache); const moduleFactories = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories ); const moduleUsed = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.module); const requireScopeUsed = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.requireScope ); const interceptModuleExecution = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution ); const useRequire = requireFunction || interceptModuleExecution || moduleUsed; /** * @type {{startup: string[], beforeStartup: string[], header: string[], afterStartup: string[], allowInlineStartup: boolean}} */ const result = { header: [], beforeStartup: [], startup: [], afterStartup: [], allowInlineStartup: true }; const { header: buf, startup, beforeStartup, afterStartup } = result; if (result.allowInlineStartup && moduleFactories) { startup.push( "// module factories are used so entry inlining is disabled" ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } if (result.allowInlineStartup && moduleCache) { startup.push("// module cache are used so entry inlining is disabled"); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } if (result.allowInlineStartup && interceptModuleExecution) { startup.push( "// module execution is intercepted so entry inlining is disabled" ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } if (useRequire || moduleCache) { buf.push("// The module cache"); buf.push("var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};"); buf.push(""); } if (useRequire) { buf.push("// The require function"); buf.push(`function ${RuntimeGlobals.require}(moduleId) {`); buf.push(Template.indent(this.renderRequire(renderContext, hooks))); buf.push("}"); buf.push(""); } else if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.requireScope)) { buf.push("// The require scope"); buf.push(`var ${RuntimeGlobals.require} = {};`); buf.push(""); } if ( moduleFactories || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactoriesAddOnly) ) { buf.push("// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)"); buf.push(`${RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories} = __webpack_modules__;`); buf.push(""); } if (moduleCache) { buf.push("// expose the module cache"); buf.push(`${RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache} = __webpack_module_cache__;`); buf.push(""); } if (interceptModuleExecution) { buf.push("// expose the module execution interceptor"); buf.push(`${RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution} = [];`); buf.push(""); } if (!runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupNoDefault)) { if (chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) > 0) { /** @type {string[]} */ const buf2 = []; const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk); buf2.push("// Load entry module and return exports"); let i = chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk); for (const [ entryModule, entrypoint ] of chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesWithChunkGroupIterable(chunk)) { const chunks = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (entrypoint).chunks.filter(c => c !== chunk); if (result.allowInlineStartup && chunks.length > 0) { buf2.push( "// This entry module depends on other loaded chunks and execution need to be delayed" ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } if ( result.allowInlineStartup && someInIterable( moduleGraph.getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(entryModule), ([originModule, connections]) => originModule && connections.some(c => c.isTargetActive(chunk.runtime)) && someInIterable( chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimes(originModule), runtime => intersectRuntime(runtime, chunk.runtime) !== undefined ) ) ) { buf2.push( "// This entry module is referenced by other modules so it can't be inlined" ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } let data; if (codeGenerationResults.has(entryModule, chunk.runtime)) { const result = codeGenerationResults.get( entryModule, chunk.runtime ); data = result.data; } if ( result.allowInlineStartup && (!data || !data.get("topLevelDeclarations")) && (!entryModule.buildInfo || !entryModule.buildInfo.topLevelDeclarations) ) { buf2.push( "// This entry module doesn't tell about it's top-level declarations so it can't be inlined" ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } if (result.allowInlineStartup) { const bailout = hooks.inlineInRuntimeBailout.call( entryModule, renderContext ); if (bailout !== undefined) { buf2.push( `// This entry module can't be inlined because ${bailout}` ); result.allowInlineStartup = false; } } i--; const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(entryModule); const entryRuntimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimeRequirements(entryModule, chunk.runtime); let moduleIdExpr = JSON.stringify(moduleId); if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.entryModuleId)) { moduleIdExpr = `${RuntimeGlobals.entryModuleId} = ${moduleIdExpr}`; } if ( result.allowInlineStartup && entryRuntimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.module) ) { result.allowInlineStartup = false; buf2.push( "// This entry module used 'module' so it can't be inlined" ); } if (chunks.length > 0) { buf2.push( `${i === 0 ? `var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ` : ""}${ RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded }(undefined, ${JSON.stringify( chunks.map(c => c.id) )}, ${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction( `${RuntimeGlobals.require}(${moduleIdExpr})` )})` ); } else if (useRequire) { buf2.push( `${i === 0 ? `var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ` : ""}${ RuntimeGlobals.require }(${moduleIdExpr});` ); } else { if (i === 0) buf2.push(`var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = {};`); if (requireScopeUsed) { buf2.push( `__webpack_modules__[${moduleIdExpr}](0, ${ i === 0 ? RuntimeGlobals.exports : "{}" }, ${RuntimeGlobals.require});` ); } else if (entryRuntimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.exports)) { buf2.push( `__webpack_modules__[${moduleIdExpr}](0, ${ i === 0 ? RuntimeGlobals.exports : "{}" });` ); } else { buf2.push(`__webpack_modules__[${moduleIdExpr}]();`); } } } if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded)) { buf2.push( `${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ${RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded}(${RuntimeGlobals.exports});` ); } if ( runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startup) || (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyBefore) && runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyAfter)) ) { result.allowInlineStartup = false; buf.push("// the startup function"); buf.push( `${RuntimeGlobals.startup} = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", [ ...buf2, `return ${RuntimeGlobals.exports};` ])};` ); buf.push(""); startup.push("// run startup"); startup.push( `var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ${RuntimeGlobals.startup}();` ); } else if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyBefore)) { buf.push("// the startup function"); buf.push( `${RuntimeGlobals.startup} = ${runtimeTemplate.emptyFunction()};` ); beforeStartup.push("// run runtime startup"); beforeStartup.push(`${RuntimeGlobals.startup}();`); startup.push("// startup"); startup.push(Template.asString(buf2)); } else if (runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyAfter)) { buf.push("// the startup function"); buf.push( `${RuntimeGlobals.startup} = ${runtimeTemplate.emptyFunction()};` ); startup.push("// startup"); startup.push(Template.asString(buf2)); afterStartup.push("// run runtime startup"); afterStartup.push(`${RuntimeGlobals.startup}();`); } else { startup.push("// startup"); startup.push(Template.asString(buf2)); } } else if ( runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startup) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyBefore) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyAfter) ) { buf.push( "// the startup function", "// It's empty as no entry modules are in this chunk", `${RuntimeGlobals.startup} = ${runtimeTemplate.emptyFunction()};`, "" ); } } else if ( runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startup) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyBefore) || runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.startupOnlyAfter) ) { result.allowInlineStartup = false; buf.push( "// the startup function", "// It's empty as some runtime module handles the default behavior", `${RuntimeGlobals.startup} = ${runtimeTemplate.emptyFunction()};` ); startup.push("// run startup"); startup.push( `var ${RuntimeGlobals.exports} = ${RuntimeGlobals.startup}();` ); } return result; } /** * @param {RenderBootstrapContext} renderContext options object * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @returns {string} the generated source of the require function */ renderRequire(renderContext, hooks) { const { chunk, chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate: { outputOptions } } = renderContext; const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk); const moduleExecution = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution ) ? Template.asString([ `var execOptions = { id: moduleId, module: module, factory: __webpack_modules__[moduleId], require: ${RuntimeGlobals.require} };`, `${RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution}.forEach(function(handler) { handler(execOptions); });`, "module = execOptions.module;", "execOptions.factory.call(module.exports, module, module.exports, execOptions.require);" ]) : runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.thisAsExports) ? Template.asString([ `__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, ${RuntimeGlobals.require});` ]) : Template.asString([ `__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, ${RuntimeGlobals.require});` ]); const needModuleId = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.moduleId); const needModuleLoaded = runtimeRequirements.has( RuntimeGlobals.moduleLoaded ); const content = Template.asString([ "// Check if module is in cache", "var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];", "if (cachedModule !== undefined) {", outputOptions.strictModuleErrorHandling ? Template.indent([ "if (cachedModule.error !== undefined) throw cachedModule.error;", "return cachedModule.exports;" ]) : Template.indent("return cachedModule.exports;"), "}", "// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)", "var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {", Template.indent([ needModuleId ? "id: moduleId," : "// no module.id needed", needModuleLoaded ? "loaded: false," : "// no module.loaded needed", "exports: {}" ]), "};", "", outputOptions.strictModuleExceptionHandling ? Template.asString([ "// Execute the module function", "var threw = true;", "try {", Template.indent([moduleExecution, "threw = false;"]), "} finally {", Template.indent([ "if(threw) delete __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];" ]), "}" ]) : outputOptions.strictModuleErrorHandling ? Template.asString([ "// Execute the module function", "try {", Template.indent(moduleExecution), "} catch(e) {", Template.indent(["module.error = e;", "throw e;"]), "}" ]) : Template.asString([ "// Execute the module function", moduleExecution ]), needModuleLoaded ? Template.asString([ "", "// Flag the module as loaded", `${RuntimeGlobals.moduleLoaded} = true;`, "" ]) : "", "// Return the exports of the module", "return module.exports;" ]); return tryRunOrWebpackError( () => hooks.renderRequire.call(content, renderContext), "JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks().renderRequire" ); } /** * @param {Module[]} allModules allModules * @param {MainRenderContext} renderContext renderContext * @param {Set} inlinedModules inlinedModules * @param {ChunkRenderContext} chunkRenderContext chunkRenderContext * @param {CompilationHooks} hooks hooks * @returns {Map} renamed inlined modules */ renameInlineModule( allModules, renderContext, inlinedModules, chunkRenderContext, hooks ) { const { runtimeTemplate } = renderContext; /** @typedef {{ source: Source, ast: any, variables: Set, usedInNonInlined: Set}} InlinedModulesInfo */ /** @type {Map} */ const inlinedModulesToInfo = new Map(); /** @type {Set} */ const nonInlinedModuleThroughIdentifiers = new Set(); /** @type {Map} */ const renamedInlinedModules = new Map(); for (const m of allModules) { const isInlinedModule = inlinedModules && inlinedModules.has(m); const moduleSource = this.renderModule( m, chunkRenderContext, hooks, !isInlinedModule ); if (!moduleSource) continue; const code = /** @type {string} */ (moduleSource.source()); const ast = JavascriptParser._parse(code, { sourceType: "auto" }); const scopeManager = eslintScope.analyze(ast, { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: "module", optimistic: true, ignoreEval: true }); const globalScope = /** @type {Scope} */ (scopeManager.acquire(ast)); if (inlinedModules && inlinedModules.has(m)) { const moduleScope = globalScope.childScopes[0]; inlinedModulesToInfo.set(m, { source: moduleSource, ast, variables: new Set(moduleScope.variables), usedInNonInlined: new Set() }); } else { for (const ref of globalScope.through) { nonInlinedModuleThroughIdentifiers.add(ref.identifier.name); } } } for (const [, { variables, usedInNonInlined }] of inlinedModulesToInfo) { for (const variable of variables) { if (nonInlinedModuleThroughIdentifiers.has(variable.name)) { usedInNonInlined.add(variable); } } } for (const [m, moduleInfo] of inlinedModulesToInfo) { const { ast, source: _source, usedInNonInlined } = moduleInfo; const source = new ReplaceSource(_source); if (usedInNonInlined.size === 0) { renamedInlinedModules.set(m, source); continue; } const usedNames = new Set( Array.from( /** @type {InlinedModulesInfo} */ (inlinedModulesToInfo.get(m)).variables ).map(v => v.name) ); for (const variable of usedInNonInlined) { const references = getAllReferences(variable); const allIdentifiers = new Set( references.map(r => r.identifier).concat(variable.identifiers) ); const newName = this.findNewName( variable.name, usedNames, m.readableIdentifier(runtimeTemplate.requestShortener) ); usedNames.add(newName); for (const identifier of allIdentifiers) { const r = /** @type {Range} */ (identifier.range); const path = getPathInAst(ast, identifier); if (path && path.length > 1) { const maybeProperty = path[1].type === "AssignmentPattern" && path[1].left === path[0] ? path[2] : path[1]; if (maybeProperty.type === "Property" && maybeProperty.shorthand) { source.insert(r[1], `: ${newName}`); continue; } } source.replace(r[0], r[1] - 1, newName); } } renamedInlinedModules.set(m, source); } return renamedInlinedModules; } /** * @param {string} oldName oldName * @param {Set} usedName usedName * @param {string} extraInfo extraInfo * @returns {string} extraInfo */ findNewName(oldName, usedName, extraInfo) { let name = oldName; // Remove uncool stuff extraInfo = extraInfo.replace( /\.+\/|(\/index)?\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})($|\s|\?)|\s*\+\s*\d+\s*modules/g, "" ); const splittedInfo = extraInfo.split("/"); while (splittedInfo.length) { name = splittedInfo.pop() + (name ? `_${name}` : ""); const nameIdent = Template.toIdentifier(name); if (!usedName.has(nameIdent)) { return nameIdent; } } let i = 0; let nameWithNumber = Template.toIdentifier(`${name}_${i}`); while (usedName.has(nameWithNumber)) { i++; nameWithNumber = Template.toIdentifier(`${name}_${i}`); } return nameWithNumber; } } module.exports = JavascriptModulesPlugin; module.exports.chunkHasJs = chunkHasJs;