/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const util = require("util"); const { WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const ModuleDependency = require("../dependencies/ModuleDependency"); const formatLocation = require("../formatLocation"); const { LogType } = require("../logging/Logger"); const AggressiveSplittingPlugin = require("../optimize/AggressiveSplittingPlugin"); const SizeLimitsPlugin = require("../performance/SizeLimitsPlugin"); const { countIterable } = require("../util/IterableHelpers"); const { compareLocations, compareChunksById, compareNumbers, compareIds, concatComparators, compareSelect, compareModulesByIdentifier } = require("../util/comparators"); const { makePathsRelative, parseResource } = require("../util/identifier"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../Chunk").ChunkId} ChunkId */ /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGroup")} ChunkGroup */ /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGroup").OriginRecord} OriginRecord */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").Asset} Asset */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").AssetInfo} AssetInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../Compilation").NormalizedStatsOptions} NormalizedStatsOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph").ModuleId} ModuleId */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../Module").BuildInfo} BuildInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraphConnection")} ModuleGraphConnection */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleProfile")} ModuleProfile */ /** @typedef {import("../RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("../WebpackError")} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("../TemplatedPathPlugin").TemplatePath} TemplatePath */ /** * @template T * @typedef {import("../util/comparators").Comparator} Comparator */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** * @template T, R * @typedef {import("../util/smartGrouping").GroupConfig} GroupConfig */ /** @typedef {import("./StatsFactory")} StatsFactory */ /** @typedef {import("./StatsFactory").StatsFactoryContext} StatsFactoryContext */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsCompilation} StatsCompilation */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsCompilation * @property {any=} env * @property {string=} name * @property {string=} hash * @property {string=} version * @property {number=} time * @property {number=} builtAt * @property {boolean=} needAdditionalPass * @property {string=} publicPath * @property {string=} outputPath * @property {Record=} assetsByChunkName * @property {StatsAsset[]=} assets * @property {number=} filteredAssets * @property {StatsChunk[]=} chunks * @property {StatsModule[]=} modules * @property {number=} filteredModules * @property {Record=} entrypoints * @property {Record=} namedChunkGroups * @property {StatsError[]=} errors * @property {number=} errorsCount * @property {StatsError[]=} warnings * @property {number=} warningsCount * @property {StatsCompilation[]=} children * @property {Record=} logging */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsLogging} StatsLogging */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsLogging * @property {StatsLoggingEntry[]} entries * @property {number} filteredEntries * @property {boolean} debug */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsLoggingEntry} StatsLoggingEntry */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsLoggingEntry * @property {string} type * @property {string=} message * @property {string[]=} trace * @property {StatsLoggingEntry[]=} children * @property {any[]=} args * @property {number=} time */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsAsset} StatsAsset */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsAsset * @property {string} type * @property {string} name * @property {AssetInfo} info * @property {number} size * @property {boolean} emitted * @property {boolean} comparedForEmit * @property {boolean} cached * @property {StatsAsset[]=} related * @property {(string|number)[]=} chunkNames * @property {(string|number)[]=} chunkIdHints * @property {(string|number)[]=} chunks * @property {(string|number)[]=} auxiliaryChunkNames * @property {(string|number)[]=} auxiliaryChunks * @property {(string|number)[]=} auxiliaryChunkIdHints * @property {number=} filteredRelated * @property {boolean=} isOverSizeLimit */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsChunkGroup} StatsChunkGroup */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsChunkGroup * @property {string=} name * @property {(string|number)[]=} chunks * @property {({ name: string, size?: number })[]=} assets * @property {number=} filteredAssets * @property {number=} assetsSize * @property {({ name: string, size?: number })[]=} auxiliaryAssets * @property {number=} filteredAuxiliaryAssets * @property {number=} auxiliaryAssetsSize * @property {{ [x: string]: StatsChunkGroup[] }=} children * @property {{ [x: string]: string[] }=} childAssets * @property {boolean=} isOverSizeLimit */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsModule} StatsModule */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsModule * @property {string=} type * @property {string=} moduleType * @property {(string | null)=} layer * @property {string=} identifier * @property {string=} name * @property {(string | null)=} nameForCondition * @property {number=} index * @property {number=} preOrderIndex * @property {number=} index2 * @property {number=} postOrderIndex * @property {number=} size * @property {{ [x: string]: number }=} sizes * @property {boolean=} cacheable * @property {boolean=} built * @property {boolean=} codeGenerated * @property {boolean=} buildTimeExecuted * @property {boolean=} cached * @property {boolean=} optional * @property {boolean=} orphan * @property {string | number=} id * @property {string | number | null=} issuerId * @property {(string | number)[]=} chunks * @property {(string | number)[]=} assets * @property {boolean=} dependent * @property {(string | null)=} issuer * @property {(string | null)=} issuerName * @property {StatsModuleIssuer[]=} issuerPath * @property {boolean=} failed * @property {number=} errors * @property {number=} warnings * @property {StatsProfile=} profile * @property {StatsModuleReason[]=} reasons * @property {(boolean | null | string[])=} usedExports * @property {(string[] | null)=} providedExports * @property {string[]=} optimizationBailout * @property {(number | null)=} depth * @property {StatsModule[]=} modules * @property {number=} filteredModules * @property {ReturnType=} source */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsProfile} StatsProfile */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsProfile * @property {number} total * @property {number} resolving * @property {number} restoring * @property {number} building * @property {number} integration * @property {number} storing * @property {number} additionalResolving * @property {number} additionalIntegration * @property {number} factory * @property {number} dependencies */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsModuleIssuer} StatsModuleIssuer */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsModuleIssuer * @property {string} identifier * @property {string} name * @property {(string|number)=} id * @property {StatsProfile} profile */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsModuleReason} StatsModuleReason */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsModuleReason * @property {string | null} moduleIdentifier * @property {string | null} module * @property {string | null} moduleName * @property {string | null} resolvedModuleIdentifier * @property {string | null} resolvedModule * @property {string | null} type * @property {boolean} active * @property {string | null} explanation * @property {string | null} userRequest * @property {(string | null)=} loc * @property {(string | number | null)=} moduleId * @property {(string | number | null)=} resolvedModuleId */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsChunk} StatsChunk */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsChunk * @property {boolean} rendered * @property {boolean} initial * @property {boolean} entry * @property {boolean} recorded * @property {string=} reason * @property {number} size * @property {Record} sizes * @property {string[]} names * @property {string[]} idHints * @property {string[]=} runtime * @property {string[]} files * @property {string[]} auxiliaryFiles * @property {string} hash * @property {Record} childrenByOrder * @property {(string|number)=} id * @property {(string|number)[]=} siblings * @property {(string|number)[]=} parents * @property {(string|number)[]=} children * @property {StatsModule[]=} modules * @property {number=} filteredModules * @property {StatsChunkOrigin[]=} origins */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsChunkOrigin} StatsChunkOrigin */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsChunkOrigin * @property {string} module * @property {string} moduleIdentifier * @property {string} moduleName * @property {string} loc * @property {string} request * @property {(string | number)=} moduleId */ /** @typedef { Record & KnownStatsModuleTraceItem} StatsModuleTraceItem */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsModuleTraceItem * @property {string=} originIdentifier * @property {string=} originName * @property {string=} moduleIdentifier * @property {string=} moduleName * @property {StatsModuleTraceDependency[]=} dependencies * @property {(string|number)=} originId * @property {(string|number)=} moduleId */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsModuleTraceDependency} StatsModuleTraceDependency */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsModuleTraceDependency * @property {string=} loc */ /** @typedef {Record & KnownStatsError} StatsError */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownStatsError * @property {string} message * @property {string=} chunkName * @property {boolean=} chunkEntry * @property {boolean=} chunkInitial * @property {string=} file * @property {string=} moduleIdentifier * @property {string=} moduleName * @property {string=} loc * @property {ChunkId=} chunkId * @property {string|number=} moduleId * @property {StatsModuleTraceItem[]=} moduleTrace * @property {any=} details * @property {string=} stack */ /** @typedef {Asset & { type: string, related: PreprocessedAsset[] | undefined }} PreprocessedAsset */ /** * @template T * @template O * @typedef {Record void>} ExtractorsByOption */ /** * @typedef {object} SimpleExtractors * @property {ExtractorsByOption} compilation * @property {ExtractorsByOption} asset * @property {ExtractorsByOption} asset$visible * @property {ExtractorsByOption<{ name: string, chunkGroup: ChunkGroup }, StatsChunkGroup>} chunkGroup * @property {ExtractorsByOption} module * @property {ExtractorsByOption} module$visible * @property {ExtractorsByOption} moduleIssuer * @property {ExtractorsByOption} profile * @property {ExtractorsByOption} moduleReason * @property {ExtractorsByOption} chunk * @property {ExtractorsByOption} chunkOrigin * @property {ExtractorsByOption} error * @property {ExtractorsByOption} warning * @property {ExtractorsByOption<{ origin: Module, module: Module }, StatsModuleTraceItem>} moduleTraceItem * @property {ExtractorsByOption} moduleTraceDependency */ /** * @template T * @template I * @param {Iterable} items items to select from * @param {function(T): Iterable} selector selector function to select values from item * @returns {I[]} array of values */ const uniqueArray = (items, selector) => { /** @type {Set} */ const set = new Set(); for (const item of items) { for (const i of selector(item)) { set.add(i); } } return Array.from(set); }; /** * @template T * @template I * @param {Iterable} items items to select from * @param {function(T): Iterable} selector selector function to select values from item * @param {Comparator} comparator comparator function * @returns {I[]} array of values */ const uniqueOrderedArray = (items, selector, comparator) => uniqueArray(items, selector).sort(comparator); /** @template T @template R @typedef {{ [P in keyof T]: R }} MappedValues */ /** * @template {object} T * @template {object} R * @param {T} obj object to be mapped * @param {function(T[keyof T], keyof T): R} fn mapping function * @returns {MappedValues} mapped object */ const mapObject = (obj, fn) => { const newObj = Object.create(null); for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { newObj[key] = fn( obj[/** @type {keyof T} */ (key)], /** @type {keyof T} */ (key) ); } return newObj; }; /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {function(Compilation, string): any[]} getItems get items * @returns {number} total number */ const countWithChildren = (compilation, getItems) => { let count = getItems(compilation, "").length; for (const child of compilation.children) { count += countWithChildren(child, (c, type) => getItems(c, `.children[].compilation${type}`) ); } return count; }; /** @type {ExtractorsByOption} */ const EXTRACT_ERROR = { _: (object, error, context, { requestShortener }) => { // TODO webpack 6 disallow strings in the errors/warnings list if (typeof error === "string") { object.message = error; } else { if (error.chunk) { object.chunkName = error.chunk.name; object.chunkEntry = error.chunk.hasRuntime(); object.chunkInitial = error.chunk.canBeInitial(); } if (error.file) { object.file = error.file; } if (error.module) { object.moduleIdentifier = error.module.identifier(); object.moduleName = error.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener); } if (error.loc) { object.loc = formatLocation(error.loc); } object.message = error.message; } }, ids: (object, error, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { if (typeof error !== "string") { if (error.chunk) { object.chunkId = /** @type {ChunkId} */ (error.chunk.id); } if (error.module) { object.moduleId = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(error.module)); } } }, moduleTrace: (object, error, context, options, factory) => { if (typeof error !== "string" && error.module) { const { type, compilation: { moduleGraph } } = context; /** @type {Set} */ const visitedModules = new Set(); const moduleTrace = []; let current = error.module; while (current) { if (visitedModules.has(current)) break; // circular (technically impossible, but how knows) visitedModules.add(current); const origin = moduleGraph.getIssuer(current); if (!origin) break; moduleTrace.push({ origin, module: current }); current = origin; } object.moduleTrace = factory.create( `${type}.moduleTrace`, moduleTrace, context ); } }, errorDetails: ( object, error, { type, compilation, cachedGetErrors, cachedGetWarnings }, { errorDetails } ) => { if ( typeof error !== "string" && (errorDetails === true || (type.endsWith(".error") && cachedGetErrors(compilation).length < 3)) ) { object.details = error.details; } }, errorStack: (object, error) => { if (typeof error !== "string") { object.stack = error.stack; } } }; /** @type {SimpleExtractors} */ const SIMPLE_EXTRACTORS = { compilation: { _: (object, compilation, context, options) => { if (!context.makePathsRelative) { context.makePathsRelative = makePathsRelative.bindContextCache( compilation.compiler.context, compilation.compiler.root ); } if (!context.cachedGetErrors) { const map = new WeakMap(); context.cachedGetErrors = compilation => map.get(compilation) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences (errors => (map.set(compilation, errors), errors))( compilation.getErrors() ); } if (!context.cachedGetWarnings) { const map = new WeakMap(); context.cachedGetWarnings = compilation => map.get(compilation) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences (warnings => (map.set(compilation, warnings), warnings))( compilation.getWarnings() ); } if (compilation.name) { object.name = compilation.name; } if (compilation.needAdditionalPass) { object.needAdditionalPass = true; } const { logging, loggingDebug, loggingTrace } = options; if (logging || (loggingDebug && loggingDebug.length > 0)) { const util = require("util"); object.logging = {}; let acceptedTypes; let collapsedGroups = false; switch (logging) { case "error": acceptedTypes = new Set([LogType.error]); break; case "warn": acceptedTypes = new Set([LogType.error, LogType.warn]); break; case "info": acceptedTypes = new Set([ LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info ]); break; case "log": acceptedTypes = new Set([ LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info, LogType.log, LogType.group, LogType.groupEnd, LogType.groupCollapsed, LogType.clear ]); break; case "verbose": acceptedTypes = new Set([ LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info, LogType.log, LogType.group, LogType.groupEnd, LogType.groupCollapsed, LogType.profile, LogType.profileEnd, LogType.time, LogType.status, LogType.clear ]); collapsedGroups = true; break; default: acceptedTypes = new Set(); break; } const cachedMakePathsRelative = makePathsRelative.bindContextCache( options.context, compilation.compiler.root ); let depthInCollapsedGroup = 0; for (const [origin, logEntries] of compilation.logging) { const debugMode = loggingDebug.some(fn => fn(origin)); if (logging === false && !debugMode) continue; /** @type {KnownStatsLoggingEntry[]} */ const groupStack = []; /** @type {KnownStatsLoggingEntry[]} */ const rootList = []; let currentList = rootList; let processedLogEntries = 0; for (const entry of logEntries) { let type = entry.type; if (!debugMode && !acceptedTypes.has(type)) continue; // Expand groups in verbose and debug modes if ( type === LogType.groupCollapsed && (debugMode || collapsedGroups) ) type = LogType.group; if (depthInCollapsedGroup === 0) { processedLogEntries++; } if (type === LogType.groupEnd) { groupStack.pop(); currentList = groupStack.length > 0 ? /** @type {KnownStatsLoggingEntry[]} */ ( groupStack[groupStack.length - 1].children ) : rootList; if (depthInCollapsedGroup > 0) depthInCollapsedGroup--; continue; } let message; if (entry.type === LogType.time) { message = `${entry.args[0]}: ${ entry.args[1] * 1000 + entry.args[2] / 1000000 } ms`; } else if (entry.args && entry.args.length > 0) { message = util.format(entry.args[0], ...entry.args.slice(1)); } /** @type {KnownStatsLoggingEntry} */ const newEntry = { ...entry, type, message, trace: loggingTrace ? entry.trace : undefined, children: type === LogType.group || type === LogType.groupCollapsed ? [] : undefined }; currentList.push(newEntry); if (newEntry.children) { groupStack.push(newEntry); currentList = newEntry.children; if (depthInCollapsedGroup > 0) { depthInCollapsedGroup++; } else if (type === LogType.groupCollapsed) { depthInCollapsedGroup = 1; } } } let name = cachedMakePathsRelative(origin).replace(/\|/g, " "); if (name in object.logging) { let i = 1; while (`${name}#${i}` in object.logging) { i++; } name = `${name}#${i}`; } object.logging[name] = { entries: rootList, filteredEntries: logEntries.length - processedLogEntries, debug: debugMode }; } } }, hash: (object, compilation) => { object.hash = /** @type {string} */ (compilation.hash); }, version: object => { object.version = require("../../package.json").version; }, env: (object, compilation, context, { _env }) => { object.env = _env; }, timings: (object, compilation) => { object.time = /** @type {number} */ (compilation.endTime) - /** @type {number} */ (compilation.startTime); }, builtAt: (object, compilation) => { object.builtAt = /** @type {number} */ (compilation.endTime); }, publicPath: (object, compilation) => { object.publicPath = compilation.getPath( /** @type {TemplatePath} */ (compilation.outputOptions.publicPath) ); }, outputPath: (object, compilation) => { object.outputPath = /** @type {string} */ ( compilation.outputOptions.path ); }, assets: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; /** @type {Map} */ const compilationFileToChunks = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks = new Map(); for (const chunk of compilation.chunks) { for (const file of chunk.files) { let array = compilationFileToChunks.get(file); if (array === undefined) { array = []; compilationFileToChunks.set(file, array); } array.push(chunk); } for (const file of chunk.auxiliaryFiles) { let array = compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks.get(file); if (array === undefined) { array = []; compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks.set(file, array); } array.push(chunk); } } /** @type {Map} */ const assetMap = new Map(); /** @type {Set} */ const assets = new Set(); for (const asset of compilation.getAssets()) { /** @type {PreprocessedAsset} */ const item = { ...asset, type: "asset", related: undefined }; assets.add(item); assetMap.set(asset.name, item); } for (const item of assetMap.values()) { const related = item.info.related; if (!related) continue; for (const type of Object.keys(related)) { const relatedEntry = related[type]; const deps = Array.isArray(relatedEntry) ? relatedEntry : [relatedEntry]; for (const dep of deps) { const depItem = assetMap.get(dep); if (!depItem) continue; assets.delete(depItem); depItem.type = type; item.related = item.related || []; item.related.push(depItem); } } } object.assetsByChunkName = {}; for (const [file, chunks] of compilationFileToChunks) { for (const chunk of chunks) { const name = chunk.name; if (!name) continue; if ( !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( object.assetsByChunkName, name ) ) { object.assetsByChunkName[name] = []; } object.assetsByChunkName[name].push(file); } } const groupedAssets = factory.create( `${type}.assets`, Array.from(assets), { ...context, compilationFileToChunks, compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks } ); const limited = spaceLimited( groupedAssets, /** @type {number} */ (options.assetsSpace) ); object.assets = limited.children; object.filteredAssets = limited.filteredChildren; }, chunks: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; object.chunks = factory.create( `${type}.chunks`, Array.from(compilation.chunks), context ); }, modules: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; const array = Array.from(compilation.modules); const groupedModules = factory.create(`${type}.modules`, array, context); const limited = spaceLimited(groupedModules, options.modulesSpace); object.modules = limited.children; object.filteredModules = limited.filteredChildren; }, entrypoints: ( object, compilation, context, { entrypoints, chunkGroups, chunkGroupAuxiliary, chunkGroupChildren }, factory ) => { const { type } = context; const array = Array.from(compilation.entrypoints, ([key, value]) => ({ name: key, chunkGroup: value })); if (entrypoints === "auto" && !chunkGroups) { if (array.length > 5) return; if ( !chunkGroupChildren && array.every(({ chunkGroup }) => { if (chunkGroup.chunks.length !== 1) return false; const chunk = chunkGroup.chunks[0]; return ( chunk.files.size === 1 && (!chunkGroupAuxiliary || chunk.auxiliaryFiles.size === 0) ); }) ) { return; } } object.entrypoints = factory.create( `${type}.entrypoints`, array, context ); }, chunkGroups: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; const array = Array.from( compilation.namedChunkGroups, ([key, value]) => ({ name: key, chunkGroup: value }) ); object.namedChunkGroups = factory.create( `${type}.namedChunkGroups`, array, context ); }, errors: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type, cachedGetErrors } = context; const rawErrors = cachedGetErrors(compilation); const factorizedErrors = factory.create( `${type}.errors`, cachedGetErrors(compilation), context ); let filtered = 0; if (options.errorDetails === "auto" && rawErrors.length >= 3) { filtered = rawErrors .map(e => typeof e !== "string" && e.details) .filter(Boolean).length; } if ( options.errorDetails === true || !Number.isFinite(options.errorsSpace) ) { object.errors = factorizedErrors; if (filtered) object.filteredErrorDetailsCount = filtered; return; } const [errors, filteredBySpace] = errorsSpaceLimit( factorizedErrors, /** @type {number} */ (options.errorsSpace) ); object.filteredErrorDetailsCount = filtered + filteredBySpace; object.errors = errors; }, errorsCount: (object, compilation, { cachedGetErrors }) => { object.errorsCount = countWithChildren(compilation, c => cachedGetErrors(c) ); }, warnings: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type, cachedGetWarnings } = context; const rawWarnings = factory.create( `${type}.warnings`, cachedGetWarnings(compilation), context ); let filtered = 0; if (options.errorDetails === "auto") { filtered = cachedGetWarnings(compilation) .map(e => typeof e !== "string" && e.details) .filter(Boolean).length; } if ( options.errorDetails === true || !Number.isFinite(options.warningsSpace) ) { object.warnings = rawWarnings; if (filtered) object.filteredWarningDetailsCount = filtered; return; } const [warnings, filteredBySpace] = errorsSpaceLimit( rawWarnings, /** @type {number} */ (options.warningsSpace) ); object.filteredWarningDetailsCount = filtered + filteredBySpace; object.warnings = warnings; }, warningsCount: ( object, compilation, context, { warningsFilter }, factory ) => { const { type, cachedGetWarnings } = context; object.warningsCount = countWithChildren(compilation, (c, childType) => { if ( !warningsFilter && /** @type {((warning: StatsError, textValue: string) => boolean)[]} */ (warningsFilter).length === 0 ) return cachedGetWarnings(c); return factory .create(`${type}${childType}.warnings`, cachedGetWarnings(c), context) .filter( /** * @param {TODO} warning warning * @returns {boolean} result */ warning => { const warningString = Object.keys(warning) .map( key => `${warning[/** @type {keyof KnownStatsError} */ (key)]}` ) .join("\n"); return !warningsFilter.some(filter => filter(warning, warningString) ); } ); }); }, children: (object, compilation, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; object.children = factory.create( `${type}.children`, compilation.children, context ); } }, asset: { _: (object, asset, context, options, factory) => { const { compilation } = context; object.type = asset.type; object.name = asset.name; object.size = asset.source.size(); object.emitted = compilation.emittedAssets.has(asset.name); object.comparedForEmit = compilation.comparedForEmitAssets.has( asset.name ); const cached = !object.emitted && !object.comparedForEmit; object.cached = cached; object.info = asset.info; if (!cached || options.cachedAssets) { Object.assign( object, factory.create(`${context.type}$visible`, asset, context) ); } } }, asset$visible: { _: ( object, asset, { compilation, compilationFileToChunks, compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks } ) => { const chunks = compilationFileToChunks.get(asset.name) || []; const auxiliaryChunks = compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks.get(asset.name) || []; object.chunkNames = uniqueOrderedArray( chunks, c => (c.name ? [c.name] : []), compareIds ); object.chunkIdHints = uniqueOrderedArray( chunks, c => Array.from(c.idNameHints), compareIds ); object.auxiliaryChunkNames = uniqueOrderedArray( auxiliaryChunks, c => (c.name ? [c.name] : []), compareIds ); object.auxiliaryChunkIdHints = uniqueOrderedArray( auxiliaryChunks, c => Array.from(c.idNameHints), compareIds ); object.filteredRelated = asset.related ? asset.related.length : undefined; }, relatedAssets: (object, asset, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; object.related = factory.create( `${type.slice(0, -8)}.related`, asset.related || [], context ); object.filteredRelated = asset.related ? asset.related.length - /** @type {StatsAsset[]} */ (object.related).length : undefined; }, ids: ( object, asset, { compilationFileToChunks, compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks } ) => { const chunks = compilationFileToChunks.get(asset.name) || []; const auxiliaryChunks = compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks.get(asset.name) || []; object.chunks = uniqueOrderedArray( chunks, c => /** @type {ChunkId[]} */ (c.ids), compareIds ); object.auxiliaryChunks = uniqueOrderedArray( auxiliaryChunks, c => /** @type {ChunkId[]} */ (c.ids), compareIds ); }, performance: (object, asset) => { object.isOverSizeLimit = SizeLimitsPlugin.isOverSizeLimit(asset.source); } }, chunkGroup: { _: ( object, { name, chunkGroup }, { compilation, compilation: { moduleGraph, chunkGraph } }, { ids, chunkGroupAuxiliary, chunkGroupChildren, chunkGroupMaxAssets } ) => { const children = chunkGroupChildren && chunkGroup.getChildrenByOrders(moduleGraph, chunkGraph); /** * @param {string} name Name * @returns {{ name: string, size: number }} Asset object */ const toAsset = name => { const asset = compilation.getAsset(name); return { name, size: /** @type {number} */ (asset ? asset.info.size : -1) }; }; /** @type {(total: number, asset: { size: number }) => number} */ const sizeReducer = (total, { size }) => total + size; const assets = uniqueArray(chunkGroup.chunks, c => c.files).map(toAsset); const auxiliaryAssets = uniqueOrderedArray( chunkGroup.chunks, c => c.auxiliaryFiles, compareIds ).map(toAsset); const assetsSize = assets.reduce(sizeReducer, 0); const auxiliaryAssetsSize = auxiliaryAssets.reduce(sizeReducer, 0); /** @type {KnownStatsChunkGroup} */ const statsChunkGroup = { name, chunks: ids ? /** @type {ChunkId[]} */ (chunkGroup.chunks.map(c => c.id)) : undefined, assets: assets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? assets : undefined, filteredAssets: assets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? 0 : assets.length, assetsSize, auxiliaryAssets: chunkGroupAuxiliary && auxiliaryAssets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? auxiliaryAssets : undefined, filteredAuxiliaryAssets: chunkGroupAuxiliary && auxiliaryAssets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? 0 : auxiliaryAssets.length, auxiliaryAssetsSize, children: children ? mapObject(children, groups => groups.map(group => { const assets = uniqueArray(group.chunks, c => c.files).map( toAsset ); const auxiliaryAssets = uniqueOrderedArray( group.chunks, c => c.auxiliaryFiles, compareIds ).map(toAsset); /** @type {KnownStatsChunkGroup} */ const childStatsChunkGroup = { name: group.name, chunks: ids ? /** @type {ChunkId[]} */ (group.chunks.map(c => c.id)) : undefined, assets: assets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? assets : undefined, filteredAssets: assets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? 0 : assets.length, auxiliaryAssets: chunkGroupAuxiliary && auxiliaryAssets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? auxiliaryAssets : undefined, filteredAuxiliaryAssets: chunkGroupAuxiliary && auxiliaryAssets.length <= chunkGroupMaxAssets ? 0 : auxiliaryAssets.length }; return childStatsChunkGroup; }) ) : undefined, childAssets: children ? mapObject(children, groups => { /** @type {Set} */ const set = new Set(); for (const group of groups) { for (const chunk of group.chunks) { for (const asset of chunk.files) { set.add(asset); } } } return Array.from(set); }) : undefined }; Object.assign(object, statsChunkGroup); }, performance: (object, { chunkGroup }) => { object.isOverSizeLimit = SizeLimitsPlugin.isOverSizeLimit(chunkGroup); } }, module: { _: (object, module, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; const compilation = /** @type {Compilation} */ (context.compilation); const built = compilation.builtModules.has(module); const codeGenerated = compilation.codeGeneratedModules.has(module); const buildTimeExecuted = compilation.buildTimeExecutedModules.has(module); /** @type {{[x: string]: number}} */ const sizes = {}; for (const sourceType of module.getSourceTypes()) { sizes[sourceType] = module.size(sourceType); } /** @type {KnownStatsModule} */ const statsModule = { type: "module", moduleType: module.type, layer: module.layer, size: module.size(), sizes, built, codeGenerated, buildTimeExecuted, cached: !built && !codeGenerated }; Object.assign(object, statsModule); if (built || codeGenerated || options.cachedModules) { Object.assign( object, factory.create(`${type}$visible`, module, context) ); } } }, module$visible: { _: (object, module, context, { requestShortener }, factory) => { const { type, rootModules } = context; const compilation = /** @type {Compilation} */ (context.compilation); const { moduleGraph } = compilation; /** @type {Module[]} */ const path = []; const issuer = moduleGraph.getIssuer(module); let current = issuer; while (current) { path.push(current); current = moduleGraph.getIssuer(current); } path.reverse(); const profile = moduleGraph.getProfile(module); const errors = module.getErrors(); const errorsCount = errors !== undefined ? countIterable(errors) : 0; const warnings = module.getWarnings(); const warningsCount = warnings !== undefined ? countIterable(warnings) : 0; /** @type {{[x: string]: number}} */ const sizes = {}; for (const sourceType of module.getSourceTypes()) { sizes[sourceType] = module.size(sourceType); } /** @type {KnownStatsModule} */ const statsModule = { identifier: module.identifier(), name: module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener), nameForCondition: module.nameForCondition(), index: /** @type {number} */ (moduleGraph.getPreOrderIndex(module)), preOrderIndex: /** @type {number} */ ( moduleGraph.getPreOrderIndex(module) ), index2: /** @type {number} */ (moduleGraph.getPostOrderIndex(module)), postOrderIndex: /** @type {number} */ ( moduleGraph.getPostOrderIndex(module) ), cacheable: /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo).cacheable, optional: module.isOptional(moduleGraph), orphan: !type.endsWith("module.modules[].module$visible") && compilation.chunkGraph.getNumberOfModuleChunks(module) === 0, dependent: rootModules ? !rootModules.has(module) : undefined, issuer: issuer && issuer.identifier(), issuerName: issuer && issuer.readableIdentifier(requestShortener), issuerPath: issuer && factory.create(`${type.slice(0, -8)}.issuerPath`, path, context), failed: errorsCount > 0, errors: errorsCount, warnings: warningsCount }; Object.assign(object, statsModule); if (profile) { object.profile = factory.create( `${type.slice(0, -8)}.profile`, profile, context ); } }, ids: (object, module, { compilation: { chunkGraph, moduleGraph } }) => { object.id = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)); const issuer = moduleGraph.getIssuer(module); object.issuerId = issuer && chunkGraph.getModuleId(issuer); object.chunks = /** @type {ChunkId[]} */ ( Array.from( chunkGraph.getOrderedModuleChunksIterable( module, compareChunksById ), chunk => chunk.id ) ); }, moduleAssets: (object, module) => { object.assets = /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo).assets ? Object.keys(/** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo).assets) : []; }, reasons: (object, module, context, options, factory) => { const { type, compilation: { moduleGraph } } = context; const groupsReasons = factory.create( `${type.slice(0, -8)}.reasons`, Array.from(moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(module)), context ); const limited = spaceLimited( groupsReasons, /** @type {number} */ (options.reasonsSpace) ); object.reasons = limited.children; object.filteredReasons = limited.filteredChildren; }, usedExports: ( object, module, { runtime, compilation: { moduleGraph } } ) => { const usedExports = moduleGraph.getUsedExports(module, runtime); if (usedExports === null) { object.usedExports = null; } else if (typeof usedExports === "boolean") { object.usedExports = usedExports; } else { object.usedExports = Array.from(usedExports); } }, providedExports: (object, module, { compilation: { moduleGraph } }) => { const providedExports = moduleGraph.getProvidedExports(module); object.providedExports = Array.isArray(providedExports) ? providedExports : null; }, optimizationBailout: ( object, module, { compilation: { moduleGraph } }, { requestShortener } ) => { object.optimizationBailout = moduleGraph .getOptimizationBailout(module) .map(item => { if (typeof item === "function") return item(requestShortener); return item; }); }, depth: (object, module, { compilation: { moduleGraph } }) => { object.depth = moduleGraph.getDepth(module); }, nestedModules: (object, module, context, options, factory) => { const { type } = context; const innerModules = /** @type {Module & { modules?: Module[] }} */ ( module ).modules; if (Array.isArray(innerModules)) { const groupedModules = factory.create( `${type.slice(0, -8)}.modules`, innerModules, context ); const limited = spaceLimited( groupedModules, options.nestedModulesSpace ); object.modules = limited.children; object.filteredModules = limited.filteredChildren; } }, source: (object, module) => { const originalSource = module.originalSource(); if (originalSource) { object.source = originalSource.source(); } } }, profile: { _: (object, profile) => { /** @type {KnownStatsProfile} */ const statsProfile = { total: profile.factory + profile.restoring + profile.integration + profile.building + profile.storing, resolving: profile.factory, restoring: profile.restoring, building: profile.building, integration: profile.integration, storing: profile.storing, additionalResolving: profile.additionalFactories, additionalIntegration: profile.additionalIntegration, // TODO remove this in webpack 6 factory: profile.factory, // TODO remove this in webpack 6 dependencies: profile.additionalFactories }; Object.assign(object, statsProfile); } }, moduleIssuer: { _: (object, module, context, { requestShortener }, factory) => { const { type } = context; const compilation = /** @type {Compilation} */ (context.compilation); const { moduleGraph } = compilation; const profile = moduleGraph.getProfile(module); /** @type {Partial} */ const statsModuleIssuer = { identifier: module.identifier(), name: module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) }; Object.assign(object, statsModuleIssuer); if (profile) { object.profile = factory.create(`${type}.profile`, profile, context); } }, ids: (object, module, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { object.id = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)); } }, moduleReason: { _: (object, reason, { runtime }, { requestShortener }) => { const dep = reason.dependency; const moduleDep = dep && dep instanceof ModuleDependency ? dep : undefined; /** @type {KnownStatsModuleReason} */ const statsModuleReason = { moduleIdentifier: reason.originModule ? reason.originModule.identifier() : null, module: reason.originModule ? reason.originModule.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : null, moduleName: reason.originModule ? reason.originModule.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : null, resolvedModuleIdentifier: reason.resolvedOriginModule ? reason.resolvedOriginModule.identifier() : null, resolvedModule: reason.resolvedOriginModule ? reason.resolvedOriginModule.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : null, type: reason.dependency ? reason.dependency.type : null, active: reason.isActive(runtime), explanation: reason.explanation, userRequest: (moduleDep && moduleDep.userRequest) || null }; Object.assign(object, statsModuleReason); if (reason.dependency) { const locInfo = formatLocation(reason.dependency.loc); if (locInfo) { object.loc = locInfo; } } }, ids: (object, reason, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { object.moduleId = reason.originModule ? chunkGraph.getModuleId(reason.originModule) : null; object.resolvedModuleId = reason.resolvedOriginModule ? chunkGraph.getModuleId(reason.resolvedOriginModule) : null; } }, chunk: { _: (object, chunk, { makePathsRelative, compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { const childIdByOrder = chunk.getChildIdsByOrders(chunkGraph); /** @type {KnownStatsChunk} */ const statsChunk = { rendered: chunk.rendered, initial: chunk.canBeInitial(), entry: chunk.hasRuntime(), recorded: AggressiveSplittingPlugin.wasChunkRecorded(chunk), reason: chunk.chunkReason, size: chunkGraph.getChunkModulesSize(chunk), sizes: chunkGraph.getChunkModulesSizes(chunk), names: chunk.name ? [chunk.name] : [], idHints: Array.from(chunk.idNameHints), runtime: chunk.runtime === undefined ? undefined : typeof chunk.runtime === "string" ? [makePathsRelative(chunk.runtime)] : Array.from(chunk.runtime.sort(), makePathsRelative), files: Array.from(chunk.files), auxiliaryFiles: Array.from(chunk.auxiliaryFiles).sort(compareIds), hash: /** @type {string} */ (chunk.renderedHash), childrenByOrder: childIdByOrder }; Object.assign(object, statsChunk); }, ids: (object, chunk) => { object.id = /** @type {ChunkId} */ (chunk.id); }, chunkRelations: (object, chunk, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { /** @type {Set} */ const parents = new Set(); /** @type {Set} */ const children = new Set(); /** @type {Set} */ const siblings = new Set(); for (const chunkGroup of chunk.groupsIterable) { for (const parentGroup of chunkGroup.parentsIterable) { for (const chunk of parentGroup.chunks) { parents.add(/** @type {ChunkId} */ (chunk.id)); } } for (const childGroup of chunkGroup.childrenIterable) { for (const chunk of childGroup.chunks) { children.add(/** @type {ChunkId} */ (chunk.id)); } } for (const sibling of chunkGroup.chunks) { if (sibling !== chunk) siblings.add(/** @type {ChunkId} */ (sibling.id)); } } object.siblings = Array.from(siblings).sort(compareIds); object.parents = Array.from(parents).sort(compareIds); object.children = Array.from(children).sort(compareIds); }, chunkModules: (object, chunk, context, options, factory) => { const { type, compilation: { chunkGraph } } = context; const array = chunkGraph.getChunkModules(chunk); const groupedModules = factory.create(`${type}.modules`, array, { ...context, runtime: chunk.runtime, rootModules: new Set(chunkGraph.getChunkRootModules(chunk)) }); const limited = spaceLimited(groupedModules, options.chunkModulesSpace); object.modules = limited.children; object.filteredModules = limited.filteredChildren; }, chunkOrigins: (object, chunk, context, options, factory) => { const { type, compilation: { chunkGraph } } = context; /** @type {Set} */ const originsKeySet = new Set(); const origins = []; for (const g of chunk.groupsIterable) { origins.push(...g.origins); } const array = origins.filter(origin => { const key = [ origin.module ? chunkGraph.getModuleId(origin.module) : undefined, formatLocation(origin.loc), origin.request ].join(); if (originsKeySet.has(key)) return false; originsKeySet.add(key); return true; }); object.origins = factory.create(`${type}.origins`, array, context); } }, chunkOrigin: { _: (object, origin, context, { requestShortener }) => { /** @type {KnownStatsChunkOrigin} */ const statsChunkOrigin = { module: origin.module ? origin.module.identifier() : "", moduleIdentifier: origin.module ? origin.module.identifier() : "", moduleName: origin.module ? origin.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : "", loc: formatLocation(origin.loc), request: origin.request }; Object.assign(object, statsChunkOrigin); }, ids: (object, origin, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { object.moduleId = origin.module ? /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(origin.module)) : undefined; } }, error: EXTRACT_ERROR, warning: EXTRACT_ERROR, moduleTraceItem: { _: (object, { origin, module }, context, { requestShortener }, factory) => { const { type, compilation: { moduleGraph } } = context; object.originIdentifier = origin.identifier(); object.originName = origin.readableIdentifier(requestShortener); object.moduleIdentifier = module.identifier(); object.moduleName = module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener); const dependencies = Array.from( moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(module) ) .filter(c => c.resolvedOriginModule === origin && c.dependency) .map(c => c.dependency); object.dependencies = factory.create( `${type}.dependencies`, Array.from(new Set(dependencies)), context ); }, ids: (object, { origin, module }, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { object.originId = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(origin)); object.moduleId = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)); } }, moduleTraceDependency: { _: (object, dependency) => { object.loc = formatLocation(dependency.loc); } } }; /** @type {Record boolean | undefined>>} */ const FILTER = { "module.reasons": { "!orphanModules": (reason, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { if ( reason.originModule && chunkGraph.getNumberOfModuleChunks(reason.originModule) === 0 ) { return false; } } } }; /** @type {Record boolean | undefined>>} */ const FILTER_RESULTS = { "compilation.warnings": { warningsFilter: util.deprecate( (warning, context, { warningsFilter }) => { const warningString = Object.keys(warning) .map(key => `${warning[/** @type {keyof KnownStatsError} */ (key)]}`) .join("\n"); return !warningsFilter.some(filter => filter(warning, warningString)); }, "config.stats.warningsFilter is deprecated in favor of config.ignoreWarnings", "DEP_WEBPACK_STATS_WARNINGS_FILTER" ) } }; /** @type {Record void>} */ const MODULES_SORTER = { _: (comparators, { compilation: { moduleGraph } }) => { comparators.push( compareSelect( /** * @param {Module} m module * @returns {number | null} depth */ m => moduleGraph.getDepth(m), compareNumbers ), compareSelect( /** * @param {Module} m module * @returns {number | null} index */ m => moduleGraph.getPreOrderIndex(m), compareNumbers ), compareSelect( /** * @param {Module} m module * @returns {string} identifier */ m => m.identifier(), compareIds ) ); } }; /** @type {Record void>>} */ const SORTERS = { "compilation.chunks": { _: comparators => { comparators.push(compareSelect(c => c.id, compareIds)); } }, "compilation.modules": MODULES_SORTER, "chunk.rootModules": MODULES_SORTER, "chunk.modules": MODULES_SORTER, "module.modules": MODULES_SORTER, "module.reasons": { _: (comparators, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { comparators.push( compareSelect(x => x.originModule, compareModulesByIdentifier) ); comparators.push( compareSelect(x => x.resolvedOriginModule, compareModulesByIdentifier) ); comparators.push( compareSelect( x => x.dependency, concatComparators( compareSelect( /** * @param {Dependency} x dependency * @returns {DependencyLocation} location */ x => x.loc, compareLocations ), compareSelect(x => x.type, compareIds) ) ) ); } }, "chunk.origins": { _: (comparators, { compilation: { chunkGraph } }) => { comparators.push( compareSelect( origin => origin.module ? chunkGraph.getModuleId(origin.module) : undefined, compareIds ), compareSelect(origin => formatLocation(origin.loc), compareIds), compareSelect(origin => origin.request, compareIds) ); } } }; /** * @template T * @typedef {T & { children: Children[] | undefined, filteredChildren?: number }} Children */ /** * @template T * @param {Children} item item * @returns {number} item size */ const getItemSize = item => // Each item takes 1 line // + the size of the children // + 1 extra line when it has children and filteredChildren !item.children ? 1 : item.filteredChildren ? 2 + getTotalSize(item.children) : 1 + getTotalSize(item.children); /** * @template T * @param {Children[]} children children * @returns {number} total size */ const getTotalSize = children => { let size = 0; for (const child of children) { size += getItemSize(child); } return size; }; /** * @template T * @param {Children[]} children children * @returns {number} total items */ const getTotalItems = children => { let count = 0; for (const child of children) { if (!child.children && !child.filteredChildren) { count++; } else { if (child.children) count += getTotalItems(child.children); if (child.filteredChildren) count += child.filteredChildren; } } return count; }; /** * @template T * @param {Children[]} children children * @returns {Children[]} collapsed children */ const collapse = children => { // After collapse each child must take exactly one line const newChildren = []; for (const child of children) { if (child.children) { let filteredChildren = child.filteredChildren || 0; filteredChildren += getTotalItems(child.children); newChildren.push({ ...child, children: undefined, filteredChildren }); } else { newChildren.push(child); } } return newChildren; }; /** * @template T * @param {Children[]} itemsAndGroups item and groups * @param {number} max max * @param {boolean=} filteredChildrenLineReserved filtered children line reserved * @returns {Children} result */ const spaceLimited = ( itemsAndGroups, max, filteredChildrenLineReserved = false ) => { if (max < 1) { return /** @type {Children} */ ({ children: undefined, filteredChildren: getTotalItems(itemsAndGroups) }); } /** @type {Children[] | undefined} */ let children; /** @type {number | undefined} */ let filteredChildren; // This are the groups, which take 1+ lines each /** @type {Children[] | undefined} */ const groups = []; // The sizes of the groups are stored in groupSizes /** @type {number[]} */ const groupSizes = []; // This are the items, which take 1 line each const items = []; // The total of group sizes let groupsSize = 0; for (const itemOrGroup of itemsAndGroups) { // is item if (!itemOrGroup.children && !itemOrGroup.filteredChildren) { items.push(itemOrGroup); } else { groups.push(itemOrGroup); const size = getItemSize(itemOrGroup); groupSizes.push(size); groupsSize += size; } } if (groupsSize + items.length <= max) { // The total size in the current state fits into the max // keep all children = groups.length > 0 ? groups.concat(items) : items; } else if (groups.length === 0) { // slice items to max // inner space marks that lines for filteredChildren already reserved const limit = max - (filteredChildrenLineReserved ? 0 : 1); filteredChildren = items.length - limit; items.length = limit; children = items; } else { // limit is the size when all groups are collapsed const limit = groups.length + (filteredChildrenLineReserved || items.length === 0 ? 0 : 1); if (limit < max) { // calculate how much we are over the size limit // this allows to approach the limit faster let oversize; // If each group would take 1 line the total would be below the maximum // collapse some groups, keep items while ( (oversize = groupsSize + items.length + (filteredChildren && !filteredChildrenLineReserved ? 1 : 0) - max) > 0 ) { // Find the maximum group and process only this one const maxGroupSize = Math.max(...groupSizes); if (maxGroupSize < items.length) { filteredChildren = items.length; items.length = 0; continue; } for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { if (groupSizes[i] === maxGroupSize) { const group = groups[i]; // run this algorithm recursively and limit the size of the children to // current size - oversize / number of groups // So it should always end up being smaller const headerSize = group.filteredChildren ? 2 : 1; const limited = spaceLimited( /** @type {Children} */ (group.children), maxGroupSize - // we should use ceil to always feet in max Math.ceil(oversize / groups.length) - // we substitute size of group head headerSize, headerSize === 2 ); groups[i] = { ...group, children: limited.children, filteredChildren: limited.filteredChildren ? (group.filteredChildren || 0) + limited.filteredChildren : group.filteredChildren }; const newSize = getItemSize(groups[i]); groupsSize -= maxGroupSize - newSize; groupSizes[i] = newSize; break; } } } children = groups.concat(items); } else if (limit === max) { // If we have only enough space to show one line per group and one line for the filtered items // collapse all groups and items children = collapse(groups); filteredChildren = items.length; } else { // If we have no space // collapse complete group filteredChildren = getTotalItems(itemsAndGroups); } } return /** @type {Children} */ ({ children, filteredChildren }); }; /** * @param {StatsError[]} errors errors * @param {number} max max * @returns {[StatsError[], number]} error space limit */ const errorsSpaceLimit = (errors, max) => { let filtered = 0; // Can not fit into limit // print only messages if (errors.length + 1 >= max) return [ errors.map(error => { if (typeof error === "string" || !error.details) return error; filtered++; return { ...error, details: "" }; }), filtered ]; let fullLength = errors.length; let result = errors; let i = 0; for (; i < errors.length; i++) { const error = errors[i]; if (typeof error !== "string" && error.details) { const splitted = error.details.split("\n"); const len = splitted.length; fullLength += len; if (fullLength > max) { result = i > 0 ? errors.slice(0, i) : []; const overLimit = fullLength - max + 1; const error = errors[i++]; result.push({ ...error, details: error.details.split("\n").slice(0, -overLimit).join("\n"), filteredDetails: overLimit }); filtered = errors.length - i; for (; i < errors.length; i++) { const error = errors[i]; if (typeof error === "string" || !error.details) result.push(error); result.push({ ...error, details: "" }); } break; } else if (fullLength === max) { result = errors.slice(0, ++i); filtered = errors.length - i; for (; i < errors.length; i++) { const error = errors[i]; if (typeof error === "string" || !error.details) result.push(error); result.push({ ...error, details: "" }); } break; } } } return [result, filtered]; }; /** * @template {{ size: number }} T * @template {{ size: number }} R * @param {(R | T)[]} children children * @param {T[]} assets assets * @returns {{ size: number }} asset size */ const assetGroup = (children, assets) => { let size = 0; for (const asset of children) { size += asset.size; } return { size }; }; /** * @template {{ size: number, sizes: Record }} T * @param {Children[]} children children * @param {KnownStatsModule[]} modules modules * @returns {{ size: number, sizes: Record}} size and sizes */ const moduleGroup = (children, modules) => { let size = 0; /** @type {Record} */ const sizes = {}; for (const module of children) { size += module.size; for (const key of Object.keys(module.sizes)) { sizes[key] = (sizes[key] || 0) + module.sizes[key]; } } return { size, sizes }; }; /** * @template {{ active: boolean }} T * @param {Children[]} children children * @param {KnownStatsModuleReason[]} reasons reasons * @returns {{ active: boolean }} reason group */ const reasonGroup = (children, reasons) => { let active = false; for (const reason of children) { active = active || reason.active; } return { active }; }; const GROUP_EXTENSION_REGEXP = /(\.[^.]+?)(?:\?|(?: \+ \d+ modules?)?$)/; const GROUP_PATH_REGEXP = /(.+)[/\\][^/\\]+?(?:\?|(?: \+ \d+ modules?)?$)/; /** @typedef {Record[], context: StatsFactoryContext, options: NormalizedStatsOptions) => void>} AssetsGroupers */ /** @type {AssetsGroupers} */ const ASSETS_GROUPERS = { _: (groupConfigs, context, options) => { /** * @param {keyof KnownStatsAsset} name name * @param {boolean=} exclude need exclude? */ const groupByFlag = (name, exclude) => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: asset => (asset[name] ? ["1"] : undefined), getOptions: () => ({ groupChildren: !exclude, force: exclude }), createGroup: (key, children, assets) => exclude ? { type: "assets by status", [name]: Boolean(key), filteredChildren: assets.length, ...assetGroup(children, assets) } : { type: "assets by status", [name]: Boolean(key), children, ...assetGroup(children, assets) } }); }; const { groupAssetsByEmitStatus, groupAssetsByPath, groupAssetsByExtension } = options; if (groupAssetsByEmitStatus) { groupByFlag("emitted"); groupByFlag("comparedForEmit"); groupByFlag("isOverSizeLimit"); } if (groupAssetsByEmitStatus || !options.cachedAssets) { groupByFlag("cached", !options.cachedAssets); } if (groupAssetsByPath || groupAssetsByExtension) { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: asset => { const extensionMatch = groupAssetsByExtension && GROUP_EXTENSION_REGEXP.exec(asset.name); const extension = extensionMatch ? extensionMatch[1] : ""; const pathMatch = groupAssetsByPath && GROUP_PATH_REGEXP.exec(asset.name); const path = pathMatch ? pathMatch[1].split(/[/\\]/) : []; const keys = []; if (groupAssetsByPath) { keys.push("."); if (extension) keys.push( path.length ? `${path.join("/")}/*${extension}` : `*${extension}` ); while (path.length > 0) { keys.push(`${path.join("/")}/`); path.pop(); } } else if (extension) { keys.push(`*${extension}`); } return keys; }, createGroup: (key, children, assets) => ({ type: groupAssetsByPath ? "assets by path" : "assets by extension", name: key, children, ...assetGroup(children, assets) }) }); } }, groupAssetsByInfo: (groupConfigs, context, options) => { /** * @param {string} name name */ const groupByAssetInfoFlag = name => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: asset => (asset.info && asset.info[name] ? ["1"] : undefined), createGroup: (key, children, assets) => ({ type: "assets by info", info: { [name]: Boolean(key) }, children, ...assetGroup(children, assets) }) }); }; groupByAssetInfoFlag("immutable"); groupByAssetInfoFlag("development"); groupByAssetInfoFlag("hotModuleReplacement"); }, groupAssetsByChunk: (groupConfigs, context, options) => { /** * @param {keyof KnownStatsAsset} name name */ const groupByNames = name => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: asset => /** @type {string[]} */ (asset[name]), createGroup: (key, children, assets) => ({ type: "assets by chunk", [name]: [key], children, ...assetGroup(children, assets) }) }); }; groupByNames("chunkNames"); groupByNames("auxiliaryChunkNames"); groupByNames("chunkIdHints"); groupByNames("auxiliaryChunkIdHints"); }, excludeAssets: (groupConfigs, context, { excludeAssets }) => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: asset => { const ident = asset.name; const excluded = excludeAssets.some(fn => fn(ident, asset)); if (excluded) return ["excluded"]; }, getOptions: () => ({ groupChildren: false, force: true }), createGroup: (key, children, assets) => ({ type: "hidden assets", filteredChildren: assets.length, ...assetGroup(children, assets) }) }); } }; /** @typedef {Record[], context: StatsFactoryContext, options: NormalizedStatsOptions) => void>} ModulesGroupers */ /** @type {function("module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested"): ModulesGroupers} */ const MODULES_GROUPERS = type => ({ _: (groupConfigs, context, options) => { /** * @param {keyof KnownStatsModule} name name * @param {string} type type * @param {boolean=} exclude need exclude? */ const groupByFlag = (name, type, exclude) => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: module => (module[name] ? ["1"] : undefined), getOptions: () => ({ groupChildren: !exclude, force: exclude }), createGroup: (key, children, modules) => ({ type, [name]: Boolean(key), ...(exclude ? { filteredChildren: modules.length } : { children }), ...moduleGroup(children, modules) }) }); }; const { groupModulesByCacheStatus, groupModulesByLayer, groupModulesByAttributes, groupModulesByType, groupModulesByPath, groupModulesByExtension } = options; if (groupModulesByAttributes) { groupByFlag("errors", "modules with errors"); groupByFlag("warnings", "modules with warnings"); groupByFlag("assets", "modules with assets"); groupByFlag("optional", "optional modules"); } if (groupModulesByCacheStatus) { groupByFlag("cacheable", "cacheable modules"); groupByFlag("built", "built modules"); groupByFlag("codeGenerated", "code generated modules"); } if (groupModulesByCacheStatus || !options.cachedModules) { groupByFlag("cached", "cached modules", !options.cachedModules); } if (groupModulesByAttributes || !options.orphanModules) { groupByFlag("orphan", "orphan modules", !options.orphanModules); } if (groupModulesByAttributes || !options.dependentModules) { groupByFlag("dependent", "dependent modules", !options.dependentModules); } if (groupModulesByType || !options.runtimeModules) { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: module => { if (!module.moduleType) return; if (groupModulesByType) { return [module.moduleType.split("/", 1)[0]]; } else if (module.moduleType === WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME) { return [WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME]; } }, getOptions: key => { const exclude = key === WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME && !options.runtimeModules; return { groupChildren: !exclude, force: exclude }; }, createGroup: (key, children, modules) => { const exclude = key === WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME && !options.runtimeModules; return { type: `${key} modules`, moduleType: key, ...(exclude ? { filteredChildren: modules.length } : { children }), ...moduleGroup(children, modules) }; } }); } if (groupModulesByLayer) { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: module => /** @type {string[]} */ ([module.layer]), createGroup: (key, children, modules) => ({ type: "modules by layer", layer: key, children, ...moduleGroup(children, modules) }) }); } if (groupModulesByPath || groupModulesByExtension) { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: module => { if (!module.name) return; const resource = parseResource( /** @type {string} */ (module.name.split("!").pop()) ).path; const dataUrl = /^data:[^,;]+/.exec(resource); if (dataUrl) return [dataUrl[0]]; const extensionMatch = groupModulesByExtension && GROUP_EXTENSION_REGEXP.exec(resource); const extension = extensionMatch ? extensionMatch[1] : ""; const pathMatch = groupModulesByPath && GROUP_PATH_REGEXP.exec(resource); const path = pathMatch ? pathMatch[1].split(/[/\\]/) : []; const keys = []; if (groupModulesByPath) { if (extension) keys.push( path.length ? `${path.join("/")}/*${extension}` : `*${extension}` ); while (path.length > 0) { keys.push(`${path.join("/")}/`); path.pop(); } } else if (extension) { keys.push(`*${extension}`); } return keys; }, createGroup: (key, children, modules) => { const isDataUrl = key.startsWith("data:"); return { type: isDataUrl ? "modules by mime type" : groupModulesByPath ? "modules by path" : "modules by extension", name: isDataUrl ? key.slice(/* 'data:'.length */ 5) : key, children, ...moduleGroup(children, modules) }; } }); } }, excludeModules: (groupConfigs, context, { excludeModules }) => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: module => { const name = module.name; if (name) { const excluded = excludeModules.some(fn => fn(name, module, type)); if (excluded) return ["1"]; } }, getOptions: () => ({ groupChildren: false, force: true }), createGroup: (key, children, modules) => ({ type: "hidden modules", filteredChildren: children.length, ...moduleGroup(children, modules) }) }); } }); /** @typedef {Record[], context: StatsFactoryContext, options: NormalizedStatsOptions) => void>} ModuleReasonsGroupers */ /** @type {ModuleReasonsGroupers} */ const MODULE_REASONS_GROUPERS = { groupReasonsByOrigin: groupConfigs => { groupConfigs.push({ getKeys: reason => /** @type {string[]} */ ([reason.module]), createGroup: (key, children, reasons) => ({ type: "from origin", module: key, children, ...reasonGroup(children, reasons) }) }); } }; /** @type {Record} */ const RESULT_GROUPERS = { "compilation.assets": ASSETS_GROUPERS, "asset.related": ASSETS_GROUPERS, "compilation.modules": MODULES_GROUPERS("module"), "chunk.modules": MODULES_GROUPERS("chunk"), "chunk.rootModules": MODULES_GROUPERS("root-of-chunk"), "module.modules": MODULES_GROUPERS("nested"), "module.reasons": MODULE_REASONS_GROUPERS }; // remove a prefixed "!" that can be specified to reverse sort order /** * @param {string} field a field name * @returns {field} normalized field */ const normalizeFieldKey = field => { if (field[0] === "!") { return field.slice(1); } return field; }; // if a field is prefixed by a "!" reverse sort order /** * @param {string} field a field name * @returns {boolean} result */ const sortOrderRegular = field => { if (field[0] === "!") { return false; } return true; }; /** * @param {string} field field name * @returns {function(object, object): 0 | 1 | -1} comparators */ const sortByField = field => { if (!field) { /** * @param {any} a first * @param {any} b second * @returns {-1|0|1} zero */ const noSort = (a, b) => 0; return noSort; } const fieldKey = normalizeFieldKey(field); let sortFn = compareSelect(m => m[fieldKey], compareIds); // if a field is prefixed with a "!" the sort is reversed! const sortIsRegular = sortOrderRegular(field); if (!sortIsRegular) { const oldSortFn = sortFn; sortFn = (a, b) => oldSortFn(b, a); } return sortFn; }; /** @type {Record[], context: StatsFactoryContext, options: NormalizedStatsOptions) => void>} */ const ASSET_SORTERS = { assetsSort: (comparators, context, { assetsSort }) => { comparators.push(sortByField(assetsSort)); }, _: comparators => { comparators.push(compareSelect(a => a.name, compareIds)); } }; /** @type {Record[], context: StatsFactoryContext, options: NormalizedStatsOptions) => void>>} */ const RESULT_SORTERS = { "compilation.chunks": { chunksSort: (comparators, context, { chunksSort }) => { comparators.push(sortByField(chunksSort)); } }, "compilation.modules": { modulesSort: (comparators, context, { modulesSort }) => { comparators.push(sortByField(modulesSort)); } }, "chunk.modules": { chunkModulesSort: (comparators, context, { chunkModulesSort }) => { comparators.push(sortByField(chunkModulesSort)); } }, "module.modules": { nestedModulesSort: (comparators, context, { nestedModulesSort }) => { comparators.push(sortByField(nestedModulesSort)); } }, "compilation.assets": ASSET_SORTERS, "asset.related": ASSET_SORTERS }; /** * @param {Record>} config the config see above * @param {NormalizedStatsOptions} options stats options * @param {function(string, Function): void} fn handler function called for every active line in config * @returns {void} */ const iterateConfig = (config, options, fn) => { for (const hookFor of Object.keys(config)) { const subConfig = config[hookFor]; for (const option of Object.keys(subConfig)) { if (option !== "_") { if (option.startsWith("!")) { if (options[option.slice(1)]) continue; } else { const value = options[option]; if ( value === false || value === undefined || (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) ) continue; } } fn(hookFor, subConfig[option]); } } }; /** @type {Record} */ const ITEM_NAMES = { "compilation.children[]": "compilation", "compilation.modules[]": "module", "compilation.entrypoints[]": "chunkGroup", "compilation.namedChunkGroups[]": "chunkGroup", "compilation.errors[]": "error", "compilation.warnings[]": "warning", "chunk.modules[]": "module", "chunk.rootModules[]": "module", "chunk.origins[]": "chunkOrigin", "compilation.chunks[]": "chunk", "compilation.assets[]": "asset", "asset.related[]": "asset", "module.issuerPath[]": "moduleIssuer", "module.reasons[]": "moduleReason", "module.modules[]": "module", "module.children[]": "module", "moduleTrace[]": "moduleTraceItem", "moduleTraceItem.dependencies[]": "moduleTraceDependency" }; /** * @template T * @typedef {{ name: T }} NamedObject */ /** * @template {{ name: string }} T * @param {T[]} items items to be merged * @returns {NamedObject} an object */ const mergeToObject = items => { const obj = Object.create(null); for (const item of items) { obj[item.name] = item; } return obj; }; /** * @template {{ name: string }} T * @type {Record NamedObject>} */ const MERGER = { "compilation.entrypoints": mergeToObject, "compilation.namedChunkGroups": mergeToObject }; class DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin { /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", compilation => { compilation.hooks.statsFactory.tap( "DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", /** * @param {StatsFactory} stats stats factory * @param {NormalizedStatsOptions} options stats options */ (stats, options) => { iterateConfig(SIMPLE_EXTRACTORS, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.extract .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (obj, data, ctx) => fn(obj, data, ctx, options, stats) ); }); iterateConfig(FILTER, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.filter .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (item, ctx, idx, i) => fn(item, ctx, options, idx, i) ); }); iterateConfig(FILTER_RESULTS, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.filterResults .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (item, ctx, idx, i) => fn(item, ctx, options, idx, i) ); }); iterateConfig(SORTERS, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.sort .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (comparators, ctx) => fn(comparators, ctx, options) ); }); iterateConfig(RESULT_SORTERS, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.sortResults .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (comparators, ctx) => fn(comparators, ctx, options) ); }); iterateConfig(RESULT_GROUPERS, options, (hookFor, fn) => { stats.hooks.groupResults .for(hookFor) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", (groupConfigs, ctx) => fn(groupConfigs, ctx, options) ); }); for (const key of Object.keys(ITEM_NAMES)) { const itemName = ITEM_NAMES[key]; stats.hooks.getItemName .for(key) .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", () => itemName); } for (const key of Object.keys(MERGER)) { const merger = MERGER[key]; stats.hooks.merge.for(key).tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", merger); } if (options.children) { if (Array.isArray(options.children)) { stats.hooks.getItemFactory .for("compilation.children[].compilation") .tap( "DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", /** * @param {Compilation} comp compilation * @param {StatsFactoryContext} options options * @returns {StatsFactory | undefined} stats factory */ (comp, { _index: idx }) => { const children = /** @type {TODO} */ (options.children); if (idx < children.length) { return compilation.createStatsFactory( compilation.createStatsOptions(children[idx]) ); } } ); } else if (options.children !== true) { const childFactory = compilation.createStatsFactory( compilation.createStatsOptions(options.children) ); stats.hooks.getItemFactory .for("compilation.children[].compilation") .tap("DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin", () => childFactory); } } } ); }); } } module.exports = DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin;