import pLimit from 'p-limit'; class EndError extends Error { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; } } // The input can also be a promise, so we await it. const testElement = async (element, tester) => tester(await element); // The input can also be a promise, so we `Promise.all()` them both. const finder = async element => { const values = await Promise.all(element); if (values[1] === true) { throw new EndError(values[0]); } return false; }; export default async function pLocate( iterable, tester, { concurrency = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, preserveOrder = true, } = {}, ) { const limit = pLimit(concurrency); // Start all the promises concurrently with optional limit. const items = [...iterable].map(element => [element, limit(testElement, element, tester)]); // Check the promises either serially or concurrently. const checkLimit = pLimit(preserveOrder ? 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); try { await Promise.all( => checkLimit(finder, element))); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof EndError) { return error.value; } throw error; } }