'use strict'; const Grid = ReactBootstrap.Grid; const Row = ReactBootstrap.Row; const Col = ReactBootstrap.Col; const Nav = ReactBootstrap.Nav; const NavItem = ReactBootstrap.NavItem; const Badge = ReactBootstrap.Badge; const electron = require('electron'); const remote = electron.remote; const osLocale = require('os-locale'); const fs = require('fs'); const url = require('url'); const path = require('path'); const settings = require('../common/settings'); remote.getCurrentWindow().removeAllListeners('focus'); var MainPage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { key: 0, unreadCounts: new Array(this.props.teams.length), mentionCounts: new Array(this.props.teams.length), unreadAtActive: new Array(this.props.teams.length) }; }, componentDidMount: function() { var thisObj = this; var focusListener = function() { var webview = document.getElementById('mattermostView' + thisObj.state.key); webview.focus(); thisObj.handleOnTeamFocused(thisObj.state.key); }; var currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.on('focus', focusListener); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { currentWindow.removeListener('focus', focusListener); }); }, handleSelect: function(key) { this.setState({ key: key }); this.handleOnTeamFocused(key); }, handleUnreadCountChange: function(index, unreadCount, mentionCount) { var unreadCounts = this.state.unreadCounts; var mentionCounts = this.state.mentionCounts; unreadCounts[index] = unreadCount; mentionCounts[index] = mentionCount; this.setState({ unreadCounts: unreadCounts, mentionCounts: mentionCounts }); this.handleUnreadCountTotalChange(); }, handleUnreadAtActiveChange: function(index, state) { var unreadAtActive = this.state.unreadAtActive; unreadAtActive[index] = state; this.setState({ unreadAtActive: unreadAtActive }); this.handleUnreadCountTotalChange(); }, handleUnreadCountTotalChange: function() { if (this.props.onUnreadCountChange) { var allUnreadCount = this.state.unreadCounts.reduce(function(prev, curr) { return prev + curr; }, 0); this.state.unreadAtActive.forEach(function(state) { if (state) { allUnreadCount += 1; } }); var allMentionCount = this.state.mentionCounts.reduce(function(prev, curr) { return prev + curr; }, 0); this.props.onUnreadCountChange(allUnreadCount, allMentionCount); } }, handleNotify: function(index) { // Never turn on the unreadAtActive flag at current focused tab. if (this.state.key === index && remote.getCurrentWindow().isFocused()) { return; } this.handleUnreadAtActiveChange(index, true); }, handleOnTeamFocused: function(index) { // Turn off the flag to indicate whether unread message of active channel contains at current tab. this.handleUnreadAtActiveChange(index, false); }, visibleStyle: function(visible) { var visibility = visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; return { position: 'absolute', top: (this.props.teams.length > 1) ? 42 : 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, visibility: visibility }; }, render: function() { var thisObj = this; var tabs_row; if (this.props.teams.length > 1) { tabs_row = ( ); } var views = this.props.teams.map(function(team, index) { var handleUnreadCountChange = function(unreadCount, mentionCount) { thisObj.handleUnreadCountChange(index, unreadCount, mentionCount); }; var handleNotify = function() { thisObj.handleNotify(index); }; var handleNotificationClick = function() { thisObj.handleSelect(index); } return () }); var views_row = ( { views } ); return ( { tabs_row } { views_row } ); } }); var TabBar = React.createClass({ render: function() { var thisObj = this; var tabs = this.props.teams.map(function(team, index) { var badge; var unreadCount = 0; if (thisObj.props.unreadCounts[index] > 0) { unreadCount = thisObj.props.unreadCounts[index]; } if (thisObj.props.unreadAtActive[index]) { unreadCount += 1; } if (thisObj.props.mentionCounts[index] != 0) { badge = ( { thisObj.props.mentionCounts[index] } ); } else if (unreadCount > 0) { badge = (); } return ( { team.name } { ' ' } { badge } ); }); return ( ); } }); var MattermostView = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { unreadCount: 0, mentionCount: 0 }; }, handleUnreadCountChange: function(unreadCount, mentionCount) { this.setState({ unreadCount: unreadCount, mentionCount: mentionCount }); if (this.props.onUnreadCountChange) { this.props.onUnreadCountChange(unreadCount, mentionCount); } }, handleNotify: function() { if (this.props.onNotify) { this.props.onNotify(); } }, componentDidMount: function() { var thisObj = this; var webview = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.webview); // Open link in browserWindow. for exmaple, attached files. webview.addEventListener('new-window', function(e) { var currentURL = url.parse(webview.getURL()); var destURL = url.parse(e.url); if (currentURL.host === destURL.host) { window.open(e.url, 'electron-mattermost'); } else { // if the link is external, use default browser. require('shell').openExternal(e.url); } }); webview.addEventListener("dom-ready", function() { // webview.openDevTools(); // Use 'Meiryo UI' and 'MS Gothic' to prevent CJK fonts on Windows(JP). if (process.platform === 'win32') { var applyCssFile = function(cssFile) { fs.readFile(cssFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } webview.insertCSS(data); }); }; osLocale(function(err, locale) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } if (locale === 'ja_JP') { applyCssFile(__dirname + '/css/jp_fonts.css'); } }); } }); webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', function(event) { switch (event.channel) { case 'onUnreadCountChange': var unreadCount = event.args[0]; var mentionCount = event.args[1]; thisObj.handleUnreadCountChange(unreadCount, mentionCount); break; case 'onNotificationClick': thisObj.props.onNotificationClick(); break; case 'console': console.log(event.args[0]); break; case 'onActiveChannelNotify': thisObj.handleNotify(); break; } }); }, render: function() { // 'disablewebsecurity' is necessary to display external images. // However, it allows also CSS/JavaScript. // So webview should use 'allowDisplayingInsecureContent' as same as BrowserWindow. return (); } }); var config; try { var configFile = remote.getGlobal('config-file'); config = settings.readFileSync(configFile); } catch (e) { window.location = 'settings.html'; } if (config.teams.length === 0) { window.location = 'settings.html'; } var contextMenu = require('./menus/context'); var menu = contextMenu.createDefault(); window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) { menu.popup(remote.getCurrentWindow()); }, false); var showUnreadBadge = function(unreadCount, mentionCount) { switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': var window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); if (unreadCount > 0 || mentionCount > 0) { window.setOverlayIcon(path.join(__dirname, '../resources/badge.png'), 'You have unread channels.'); } else { window.setOverlayIcon(null, ''); } break; case 'darwin': if (mentionCount > 0) { remote.app.dock.setBadge(mentionCount.toString()); } else if (mentionCount < unreadCount) { remote.app.dock.setBadge('•'); } else { remote.app.dock.setBadge(''); } break; default: } } ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('content') );