// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Yuya Ochiai // Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for license information. 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const {_electron: electron} = require('playwright'); const chai = require('chai'); const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron'); const {SHOW_SETTINGS_WINDOW} = require('../../src/common/communication'); const {asyncSleep} = require('./utils'); chai.should(); const sourceRootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../..'); const electronBinaryPath = (() => { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { return path.join(sourceRootDir, 'node_modules/electron/dist/Electron.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron'); } const exeExtension = (process.platform === 'win32') ? '.exe' : ''; return path.join(sourceRootDir, 'node_modules/electron/dist/electron' + exeExtension); })(); const userDataDir = path.join(sourceRootDir, 'e2e/testUserData/'); const configFilePath = path.join(userDataDir, 'config.json'); const boundsInfoPath = path.join(userDataDir, 'bounds-info.json'); const exampleURL = 'http://example.com/'; const mattermostURL = 'http://localhost:8065/'; const exampleTeam = { name: 'example', url: exampleURL, order: 0, tabs: [ { name: 'TAB_MESSAGING', order: 0, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_FOCALBOARD', order: 1, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_PLAYBOOKS', order: 2, isOpen: true, }, ], lastActiveTab: 0, }; const githubTeam = { name: 'github', url: 'https://github.com/', order: 1, tabs: [ { name: 'TAB_MESSAGING', order: 0, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_FOCALBOARD', order: 1, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_PLAYBOOKS', order: 2, isOpen: true, }, ], lastActiveTab: 0, }; const demoConfig = { version: 3, teams: [exampleTeam, githubTeam], showTrayIcon: false, trayIconTheme: 'light', minimizeToTray: false, notifications: { flashWindow: 0, bounceIcon: false, bounceIconType: 'informational', }, showUnreadBadge: true, useSpellChecker: true, enableHardwareAcceleration: true, autostart: true, darkMode: false, lastActiveTeam: 0, spellCheckerLocales: [], }; const demoMattermostConfig = { ...demoConfig, teams: [{ ...exampleTeam, url: mattermostURL, }, githubTeam], }; const cmdOrCtrl = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'command' : 'control'; module.exports = { sourceRootDir, configFilePath, userDataDir, boundsInfoPath, exampleURL, mattermostURL, demoConfig, demoMattermostConfig, cmdOrCtrl, cleanTestConfig() { [configFilePath, boundsInfoPath].forEach((file) => { try { fs.unlinkSync(file); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err); } } }); }, cleanDataDir() { try { fs.rmdirSync(userDataDir, {recursive: true}); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err); } } }, createTestUserDataDir() { if (!fs.existsSync(userDataDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(userDataDir); } }, async getApp(args = []) { const options = { executablePath: electronBinaryPath, args: [`${path.join(sourceRootDir, 'dist')}`, `--data-dir=${userDataDir}`, '--disable-dev-mode', ...args], }; // if (process.env.MM_DEBUG_SETTINGS) { // options.chromeDriverLogPath = './chromedriverlog.txt'; // } // if (process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'linux') { // // on a mac, debbuging port might conflict with other apps // // this changes the default debugging port so chromedriver can run without issues. // options.chromeDriverArgs.push('remote-debugging-port=9222'); //} return electron.launch(options).then(async (app) => { // Make sure the app has time to fully load await asyncSleep(1000); return app; }); }, async getServerMap(app) { const map = {}; await Promise.all(app.windows().map(async (win) => { return win.evaluate(async () => { if (!window.testHelper) { return null; } const name = await window.testHelper.getViewName(); const webContentsId = await window.testHelper.getWebContentsId(); return {viewName: name, webContentsId}; }).then((result) => { if (result) { map[result.viewName] = {win, webContentsId: result.webContentsId}; } }); })); return map; }, async loginToMattermost(window) { await window.waitForSelector('#input_loginId'); await window.waitForSelector('#input_password-input'); await window.waitForSelector('#saveSetting'); await window.type('#input_loginId', 'user-1'); await window.type('#input_password-input', 'SampleUs@r-1'); await window.click('#saveSetting'); }, addClientCommands(client) { client.addCommand('loadSettingsPage', function async() { ipcRenderer.send(SHOW_SETTINGS_WINDOW); }); client.addCommand('isNodeEnabled', function async() { return this.execute(() => { try { if (require('child_process')) { return true; } return false; } catch (e) { return false; } }).then((requireResult) => { return requireResult.value; }); }); client.addCommand('waitForAppOptionsAutoSaved', function async() { const ID_APP_OPTIONS_SAVE_INDICATOR = '#appOptionsSaveIndicator'; const TIMEOUT = 5000; return this. waitForVisible(ID_APP_OPTIONS_SAVE_INDICATOR, TIMEOUT). waitForVisible(ID_APP_OPTIONS_SAVE_INDICATOR, TIMEOUT, true); }); }, // execute the test only when `condition` is true shouldTest(it, condition) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-only-tests/no-only-tests return condition ? it : it.skip; }, isOneOf(platforms) { return (platforms.indexOf(process.platform) !== -1); }, };