'use strict'; const should = require('should'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const env = require('../../modules/environment'); function initClient(client) { return client .init() .url('file://' + path.join(env.sourceRootDir, 'dist/browser/settings.html')); } describe('browser/settings.html', function() { this.timeout(10000); const config = { version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'example_1', url: env.mattermostURL }, { name: 'example_2', url: env.mattermostURL }] }; var chromedriver; var client; before(function(done) { chromedriver = env.spawnChromeDriver(); client = env.getWebDriverIoClient(); fs.unlink(env.configFilePath, function(err) { // waiting for chromedriver setTimeout(done, 1000); }); }); beforeEach(function() { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify(config)); }); afterEach(function() { return client.end(); }); after(function() { chromedriver.kill(); }); it('should show index.thml when Cancel button is clicked', function() { return initClient(client) .waitForExist('#btnCancel') .click('#btnCancel') .pause(1000) .getUrl().then(function(url) { var url_split = url.split('/'); url_split[url_split.length - 1].should.equal('index.html'); }) .end(); }); it('should show index.thml when Save button is clicked', function() { return initClient(client) .waitForExist('#btnSave') .click('#btnSave') .pause(1000) .getUrl().then(function(url) { var url_split = url.split('/'); url_split[url_split.length - 1].should.equal('index.html'); }) .end(); }); describe('Options', function() { describe('Hide Menu Bar', function() { it('should appear on win32 or linux', function() { return initClient(client) .isExisting('#inputHideMenuBar').then(function(isExisting) { if (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'linux') { isExisting.should.be.true(); } else { isExisting.should.be.false(); } }) .end(); }); if (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'linux') { [true, false].forEach(function(v) { it(`should be loaded from config: ${v}`, function() { var new_config = {}; Object.assign(new_config, config); new_config.hideMenuBar = v; fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify(new_config)); return initClient(client) .isSelected('#inputHideMenuBar input').then(function(value) { value.should.equal(v); }) .end(); }); }); it('should be saved as config.json', function() { return initClient(client) .click('#inputHideMenuBar input') .click('#btnSave') .pause(1000) .then(function() { const saved_config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(env.configFilePath, 'utf8')); saved_config.hideMenuBar.should.be.true(); }) .end(); }); } }); }); });