version: 2.1 parameters: run_nightly: default: false type: boolean orbs: win: circleci/windows@1.0.0 aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3@2.0.0 owasp: entur/owasp@0.0.10 executors: wine-chrome: working_directory: ~/mattermost-desktop docker: - image: electronuserland/builder:wine-chrome environment: TAR_OPTIONS: --no-same-owner wine-mono: working_directory: ~/mattermost-desktop docker: - image: electronuserland/builder:wine-mono mac: working_directory: ~/mattermost-desktop macos: xcode: "10.3.0" aws: working_directory: ~/mattermost-desktop docker: - image: 'circleci/python:2.7' github: working_directory: ~/mattermost-desktop docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.12 commands: notify: description: "notify on release channel" parameters: message: type: string default: "This is the default notification message, someone forgot to add info on what to notify!" username: type: string default: "MattermostRelease" icon: type: string default: "" steps: - run: command: | export VERSION=$(jq -r .version package.json) echo '{}' | jq "{ \"username\": \"<< parameters.username >>\", \"icon_url\": \"<< parameters.icon >>\", \"text\": \"[${VERSION}] << parameters.message >>\" }" >> /tmp/webhook-data.json - run: command: | curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @/tmp/webhook-data.json $MATTERMOST_RELEASE_WEBHOOK_URL_DESKTOP || echo "NOFICATION FAILED! check logs as this will succeed intentionally" update_image: description: "Update base image" parameters: apt_opts: type: string default: "" steps: - run: wget -qO - | apt-key add - - run: apt-get update && apt-get -y install << parameters.apt_opts >> - run: npm ci win_make: description: "Run mattermost's makefile.ps1 on ./scripts/" parameters: operation: type: string default: "" steps: - run: command: ./scripts/Makefile.ps1 << parameters.operation >> name: << parameters.operation >> shell: powershell build: description: "Building << parameters.os >> app" parameters: os: type: string default: "linux" path: type: string default: "./dist/linux" subpath: type: string default: "./linux/" steps: - run: npm run package:<< parameters.os >> - run: mkdir -p << parameters.path >> - run: bash -x ./scripts/ release << parameters.path >> - persist_to_workspace: root: ./dist paths: - "./<< parameters.subpath >>/" jobs: check: executor: wine-chrome steps: - checkout - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends" - restore_cache: key: lint-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - run: ELECTRON_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 xvfb-run npm run test - run: mkdir -p /tmp/test-results - run: cp test-results.xml /tmp/test-results/ - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-results - save_cache: key: lint-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - "node_modules" build-linux: executor: wine-mono steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ./dist - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - restore_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends jq icnsutils graphicsmagick tzdata" - build - save_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - "node_modules" - "~/.cache/electron" - "~/.cache/electron-builder" build-win-no-installer: executor: wine-mono steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ./dist - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - restore_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends jq icnsutils graphicsmagick tzdata" - build: os: windows path: ./dist/win subpath: ./win/ - save_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - "node_modules" - "~/.cache/electron" - "~/.cache/electron-builder" build-mac-no-dmg: executor: wine-mono steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ./dist - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - restore_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends jq icnsutils graphicsmagick tzdata" - run: jq '["zip"]' electron-builder.json | jq '.mac.gatekeeperAssess=false' > /tmp/electron-builder.json && cp /tmp/electron-builder.json . - build: os: mac path: ./dist/macos subpath: ./macos/ - save_cache: key: npm-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - "node_modules" - "~/.cache/electron" - "~/.cache/electron-builder" msi_installer: executor: win/vs2019 steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ./dist/ - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - win_make: operation: optimize - win_make: operation: "install-deps" - win_make: operation: "build" - run: mkdir -p ./dist/win-release - run: cp -r release/*.zip ./dist/win-release - run: cp -r release/*.msi ./dist/win-release - run: cp -r release/*.exe ./dist/win-release - persist_to_workspace: root: ./dist/ paths: - "./win-release/" mac_installer: executor: mac steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ./dist - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - run: name: Installing npm dependencies command: npm ci - build: os: mac path: ./dist/macos-release subpath: ./macos-release/ store_artifacts: executor: wine-chrome steps: - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - store_artifacts: path: ./dist destination: packages - run: wget -qO - | apt-key add - - run: apt-get update && apt-get -y install jq - run: name: "store url links" command: | echo $(pwd) ls . curl -H "Circle-Token: $CIRCLE_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET "$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM/artifacts" | jq -r '.items[].url' >> ./dist/artifactlist.txt grep -v ".yml" ./dist/artifactlist.txt | grep -v "._" > ./templist.txt echo "##### :tux: Linux" > ./dist/linklist.txt grep "linux" ./templist.txt | awk -F/ '{print "- ["$NF"]("$0")"}' >> ./dist/linklist.txt echo "##### :apple_logo: macOS" >> ./dist/linklist.txt grep "macos" ./templist.txt | awk -F/ '{print "- ["$NF"]("$0")"}' >> ./dist/linklist.txt echo "##### :windows: Windows" >> ./dist/linklist.txt grep "win" ./templist.txt | awk -F/ '{print "- ["$NF"]("$0")"}' >> ./dist/linklist.txt - persist_to_workspace: root: ./dist paths: - ./linklist.txt - ./artifactlist.txt share_to_channel: executor: wine-chrome steps: - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - run: wget -qO - | apt-key add - - run: apt-get update && apt-get -y install jq - run: mkdir -p ./links - run: echo "### Nightly builds:\n" > ./links/linklist.txt - run: name: "Get urls for sharing" command: | echo "Links for $(date +"%b-%d-%Y")" >> ./links/linklist.txt cat ./dist/linklist.txt >> ./links/linklist.txt - run: command: | linklist=$(<./links/linklist.txt); echo '{}' | jq "{ \"username\": \"NightBuilder\", \"icon_url\": \"\", \"text\": \"${linklist}\" }" >> /tmp/webhook-data.json - run: command: | curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @/tmp/webhook-data.json $MM_TOKEN || echo "NOFICATION FAILED! check logs as this will succeed intentionally" upload_to_s3: executor: aws steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - run: name: "Don't upload if it's not on a tag" command: | if [ -z `git tag -l --points-at master` ]; then circleci-agent step halt fi - run: name: "Setup files for aws-s3" command: | mkdir -p ./aws-s3-dist cp ./dist/{macos-release,win-release,linux}/* ./aws-s3-dist - aws-s3/copy: from: ./aws-s3-dist/ to: s3://$(jq -r .version package.json)/ arguments: --acl public-read --cache-control "no-cache" --recursive upload_to_s3_daily: executor: aws steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - run: name: "Normalize folder names" command: | mv ./dist/macos-release ./dist/macos - aws-s3/copy: from: ./dist/ to: s3://mattermost-desktop-daily-builds/ arguments: --acl public-read --cache-control "no-cache" --recursive upload_to_github: executor: github steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ./dist - run: name: "Don't upload if it's not on a tag" command: | if [ -z `git tag -l --points-at master` ]; then circleci-agent step halt fi - run: name: "Setup files for ghr" command: | mkdir -p ./ghr-dist cp ./dist/{macos-release,win-release,linux}/* ./ghr-dist - run: name: "Publish Release on GitHub" command: | go get VERSION=$(jq -r .version package.json) RELEASE_TITLE="v${VERSION} ($(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d"))" ghr \ -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} \ -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} \ -draft \ --body="$(./scripts/ $VERSION)" \ --name="${RELEASE_TITLE}" $( [[ $VERSION =~ "-rc" ]] && printf %s "-prerelease") \ -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} \ -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} \ -delete \ v${VERSION} ./ghr-dist begin-notification: executor: wine-chrome steps: - checkout - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends jq" - notify: message: "Release process for the desktop app has started, it should take about 30 minutes to complete." end-notification: executor: wine-chrome steps: - checkout - update_image: apt_opts: "--no-install-recommends jq" - notify: message: "Release process for the desktop app ended, the new release can be found on [GitHub](" workflows: version: 2 build_and_test: jobs: - check - begin-notification: context: desktop-notify filters: branches: only: # only for release and release candidates # release-XX.YY.ZZ # release-XX.YY.ZZ-rc-something - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - build-linux: requires: - check - build-win-no-installer: requires: - check filters: branches: ignore: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - build-mac-no-dmg: requires: - check filters: branches: ignore: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - msi_installer: requires: - check context: windows-codesign filters: branches: only: # only for release and release candidates # release-XX.YY.ZZ # release-XX.YY.ZZ-rc-something - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - mac_installer: requires: - check context: codesign-certificates filters: branches: only: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - store_artifacts: # for master/PR builds requires: - build-linux - build-win-no-installer - build-mac-no-dmg filters: branches: ignore: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - upload_to_s3: # for release builds requires: - msi_installer - mac_installer - build-linux context: mattermost-release-s3 filters: branches: only: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - upload_to_github: requires: - upload_to_s3 context: matterbuild-github-token filters: branches: only: - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ - end-notification: requires: - upload_to_github context: desktop-notify filters: branches: only: # only for release and release candidates # release-XX.YY.ZZ # release-XX.YY.ZZ-rc-something - /^release-\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-rc.*)?/ nightly_browser_view: when: << pipeline.parameters.run_nightly >> jobs: - build-linux - build-win-no-installer: context: electron-installer - mac_installer: context: codesign-certificates - store_artifacts: context: desktop_browserview # for master/PR builds requires: - build-linux - build-win-no-installer - mac_installer - upload_to_s3_daily: context: mattermost-desktop-daily-s3 requires: - build-linux - build-win-no-installer - mac_installer - share_to_channel: context: desktop_browserview requires: - store_artifacts