# We would have preferred to put this main section to the end of the script, # but PowerSchell script arguments must be defined as the first statement in # a PowerShell script. Param ( [parameter(Position=0)]$makeRule ) # imports # these should be better with modules, but we would have to install them on circleci servers # import tools . .\scripts\tools.ps1 # import dependencies functions . .\scripts\dependencies.ps1 ################################################################################ # Appveyor related functions ################################################################################ #region function Is-AppVeyor { if ($env:APPVEYOR -eq $True) { return $True } return $False } function Enable-AppVeyorRDP { if (-not (Is-AppVeyor)) { Print-Error "You are not running on AppVeyor. Enabling RDP will be bypassed." return } # src.: https://www.appveyor.com/docs/how-to/rdp-to-build-worker/ $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1" )) } #endregion ################################################################################ # Mattermost related functions ################################################################################ #region function Prepare-Path { # As we may need to install new dependencies, make sure the PATH env # variable is not too large. Some CI envs like AppVeyor have already the # PATH env variable defined at the maximum which prevents new strings to # be added to it. We will remove all the stuff added for programs in # Program Files (64 bits and 32 bits variants) except the path of our # dependencies. # src.: https://gist.github.com/wget/a102f89c301014836aaa49a98dd06ee2 $oldPath = $env:Path [array]$newPath # Cleanup the PATH from everything contained in Program Files... $newPath = ($env:Path -split ';') | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "C:\Program Files*" } # ...except from Git $newPath += ($env:Path -split ';') | Where-Object { $_ -like "C:\Program Files*\*Git*" } $env:Path = $newPath -join ';' Print-Info "Reducing and reordering PATH from `n ""$oldPath""`n to`n ""$env:Path""" # Prepending ensures we are using our own path here to avoid the paths the # user might have defined to interfere. # Prepend the PATH with npm/nodejs dir Print-Info "Checking if npm dir is already in the PATH..." $env:Path = "$(Get-NpmDir)" + ";" + $env:Path # Prepend the PATH with wix dir Print-Info "Checking if wix dir is already in the PATH..." $env:Path = "$(Get-WixDir)" + ";" + $env:Path # Prepend the PATH with signtool dir Print-Info "Checking if signtool dir is already in the PATH..." $env:Path = "$(Get-SignToolDir)" + ";" + $env:Path } function Catch-Interruption { [console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true while ($true) { if ([console]::KeyAvailable) { $key = Read-Host #$key = [system.console]::readkey($true) if (($key.modifiers -band [consolemodifiers]"control") -and ($key.key -eq "C")) { Print-Warning "Ctrl-C pressed. Cancelling the build process and restoring computer state..." Restore-ComputerState exit } } } } function Backup-ComputerState { $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_PATH_BACKUP = $env:Path Push-Location "$(Get-RootDir)" # Needed because for native apps, PowerShell doesn't change the # process current path location #src.: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4725090/3514658 [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $PWD # Refresh path because it might have been made durty in the current shell Refresh-Path } function Restore-ComputerState { Print-Info "Restoring PATH..." $env:Path = $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_PATH_BACKUP Print-Info "Restoring current working directory..." Pop-location [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $PWD # Remove all COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_ prefixed env variable foreach ($item in (Get-Item -Path Env:*)) { if ($item.Name -imatch 'COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_') { Print-Info "Removing Mattermost env variable: $($item.Name)..." Remove-Item env:\$($item.Name) } } } function Optimize-Build { Print-Info "Checking if Windows Search is running..." if ((Get-Service -Name "Windows Search").Status -eq "Running") { Print-Info "Windows Search is running. Disabling it..." Stop-Service "Windows Search" Print-Warning "WARNING: This makefile disabled Windows Search, to reenable it, type in an administror Powershell: Start-Service ""Windows Search""" } else { Print-Info "Windows Search has already been disabled." } Print-Info "Checking if Windows Defender realtime protection is active..." if (!(Get-MpPreference).DisableRealtimeMonitoring) { Print-Info "Windows Defender realtime protection is active. Disabling it..." Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true Print-Warning "WARNING: This makefile disabled Windows Defender realtime protection, to reenable it, type in an administror Powershell: Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring `$false" } else { Print-Info "Windows Defender realtime protection has already been disabled." } } function Run-BuildId { Print-Info -NoNewLine "Getting build date..." $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_DATE = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") Print " [$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_DATE]" # Generate build version ids # # nodejs/npm does require to have semver parsable versions: # major.minor.patch # Non number values are allowed only if they are not starting the dot verion. # 4.3.0-rc2 is allowed but 4.3.rc2 is not # # wix toolset supports semver up to the revision dot syntax: # major.minor.patch.revision. # ProductVersion Property is defined as # [0-255].[0-255].[0-65535] # 8 , 8 , 16 signed bit # File Version is defined as # [0-65535].[0-65535].[0-65535].[0-65535] # 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 signed bit # # Other chars other than numbers should be removed. # Versions like v4.3.0-rc0 shoud be. We are thus forcing to # have a format like 4.3.0.rc0. # When the last tag is not present or not a parsable semver version, we are # taking the number of revisions reachable from the HEAD of the current branch # (other branches are not taken into account). # Example: # $ git rev-list --count --first-parent HEAD # 645 # Using the date is unreliable, because this requires to have a precision at # seconds, leading to an overflow of the integer range supported by wix. # is not accepted and fails with the following error: # candle.exe : error CNDL0001 : Value was either too large or too small for an Int32. # Exception Type: System.OverflowException # Add the revision only if we are not building a tag Print-Info "Checking build id tag..." if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $true) { $version = "$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME" } else { $version = "$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))" } Print-Info "Checking build id tag validity... [$version]" [version]$appVersion = New-Object -TypeName System.Version [void][version]::TryParse($($version -Replace '-','.' -Replace '[^0-9.]'), [ref]$appVersion) if (!($appVersion)) { Print-Error "Non parsable tag detected. Fallbacking to version 0.0.0." $version = "0.0.0" } Print-Info -NoNewLine "Getting build id version..." $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID = $version Print " [$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID]" Print-Info -NoNewLine "Getting build id version for msi..." $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_MSI = ($version -Replace '-','.' -Replace '[^0-9.]').Split('.')[0..3] -Join '.' Print " [$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_MSI]" Print-Info -NoNewLine "Getting build id version for node/npm..." $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_NODE = ($version -Replace '^v').Split('.')[0..2] -Join '.' Print " [$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_NODE]" Print-Info "Patching version from msi xml descriptor..." $msiDescriptorFileName = "scripts\msi_installer.wxs" $msiDescriptor = [xml](Get-Content $msiDescriptorFileName) $msiDescriptor.Wix.Product.Version = [string]$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_MSI $msiDescriptor.Save($msiDescriptorFileName) Print-Info "Patching version from electron package.json..." $packageFileName = "package.json" $package = Get-Content $packageFileName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $package.version = [string]$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_NODE $package | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $packageFileName Print-Info "Patching version from electron src\package.json..." $packageFileName = "src\package.json" $package = Get-Content $packageFileName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $package.version = [string]$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID_NODE $package | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $packageFileName } function Run-BuildChangelog { Print-Info "Getting list of commits for changelog..." $previousTag = $(Invoke-Expression "git describe --abbrev=0 --tags $(git describe --abbrev=0)^") if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $true) { $currentTag = [string]$(git describe --abbrev=0) } else { $currentTag = [string]"HEAD" } $changelogRaw = "$(git log --oneline --since=""$(git log -1 ""$previousTag"" --pretty=%ad)"" --until=""$(git log -1 "$currentTag" --pretty=%ad)"")" $changelog = ""; foreach ($i in $changelogRaw) { $changelog += "* $i`n" } $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_CHANGELOG = $changelog } function Run-BuildElectron { Print-Info "Installing nodejs/electron dependencies (running npm install)..." npm install #npm install --prefix="$(Get-RootDir)" "$(Get-RootDir)" Print-Info "Building nodejs/electron code (running npm run build)..." npm run build #npm run build --prefix="$(Get-RootDir)" "$(Get-RootDir)" Print-Info "Packaging nodejs/electron for Windows (running npm run package:windows)..." npm run package:windows #npm run package:windows --prefix="$(Get-RootDir)" "$(Get-RootDir)" Print-Info "Cleaning build dir..." Remove-Item "release\win-ia32-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\" -Force -Recurse Remove-Item "release\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\" -Force -Recurse } function Run-BuildForceSignature { # Only sign the executable and .dll if this is a release and not a pull request # check. if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $true) { Print-Info "Enforcing signature of the executable and dll..." # Decrypt the certificate. The decrypted version will be at # .\resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx iex ((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/secure-file/master/install.ps1" )) # Secure variables are never decoded during Pull Request # except if the repo is private and a secure org has been created # src.: https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#secure-variables & "appveyor-tools\secure-file" -decrypt "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx.enc" -secret "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_DECRYPTION_KEY_ENCRYPTED" foreach ($archPath in "release\win-unpacked", "release\win-ia32-unpacked") { # Note: The C++ redistribuable files will be resigned again even if they have a # correct signature from Microsoft. Windows doesn't seem to complain, but we # don't know whether this is authorized by the Microsoft EULA. Get-ChildItem -Path $archPath -recurse "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { Print-Info "Signing $($_.Name) (waiting for 2 * 15 seconds)..." # Waiting for at least 15 seconds is needed because these time # servers usually have rate limits and signtool can fail with the # following error message: # "SignTool Error: The specified timestamp server either could not be reached or returned an invalid response. # src.: https://web.archive.org/web/20190306223053/https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/2795#issuecomment-466831315 Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha1 /td sha1 "$($_.FullName)" Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as "$($_.FullName)" } Print-Info "Signing Mattermost.exe (waiting for 2 * 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha1 /td sha1 "$archPath\Mattermost.exe" Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as "$archPath\Mattermost.exe" } } elseif (Test-Path 'env:PFX') { Print-Info "Signing" foreach ($archPath in "release\win-unpacked", "release\win-ia32-unpacked") { # Note: The C++ redistribuable files will be resigned again even if they have a # correct signature from Microsoft. Windows doesn't seem to complain, but we # don't know whether this is authorized by the Microsoft EULA. Get-ChildItem -Path $archPath -recurse "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { Print-Info "Signing $($_.Name) (waiting for 2 * 15 seconds)..." # Waiting for at least 15 seconds is needed because these time # servers usually have rate limits and signtool can fail with the # following error message: # "SignTool Error: The specified timestamp server either could not be reached or returned an invalid response. # src.: https://web.archive.org/web/20190306223053/https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/2795#issuecomment-466831315 Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha1 /td sha1 "$($_.FullName)" Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as "$($_.FullName)" } Print-Info "Signing Mattermost.exe (waiting for 2 * 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha1 /td sha1 "$archPath\Mattermost.exe" Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 /as "$archPath\Mattermost.exe" } } else { Print-Info "DLLs not signed" } } function Run-BuildLicense { # Convert license to RTF $licenseTxtFile = "LICENSE.txt"; $licenseRtfFile = "resources/windows/license.rtf"; $licenseNewParagraph = "\par" + [Environment]::NewLine; $sw = [System.IO.File]::CreateText($licenseRtfFile); $sw.WriteLine("{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}\pard\qj\f0\fs18"); $lineToAdd = ""; $gapDetected = 0; # We are relying on introspected C#/.NET rather than the buggy Get-Content # cmdlet because Get-Content considers by default a `-Delimiter` to '\n' # and thus breaks the purpose of the parser. foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($licenseTxtFile)) { # trim() is equivalent to .replace("\ \s+", "") # We replace one backslash by two. Since the first arg is a regex, # we need to escape it. # src.: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31324570/3514658 $sanitizedLine = $line.trim().replace("\\", "\\").replace("{", "\{").replace("}", "\}"); # Print previous string gathered if gap detected. if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sanitizedLine)) { $gapDetected++; # For first line keep paragraph definition from document head. if ($gapDetected -eq 1) { $sw.Write($lineToAdd); } elseif ($gapDetected -eq 2) { $sw.Write($licenseNewParagraph + $lineToAdd); } else { $sw.Write($licenseNewParagraph + $lineToAdd + $licenseNewParagraph); } $lineToAdd = ""; continue; } # Keep carriage return for first two blocks comprising Copyright and # license name statements. if ($gapDetected -lt 3) { $lineToAdd += $sanitizedLine + $licenseNewParagraph; continue; } # Do not add heading space if the line begins a new paragraph. if ($lineToAdd -eq "") { $lineToAdd += $sanitizedLine; continue; } $lineToAdd += " " + $sanitizedLine; } if ($lineToAdd -ne "") { $sw.Write([Environment]::NewLine + $licenseNewParagraph + $lineToAdd + "\par"); } $sw.Close(); } function Run-BuildMsi { Print-Info "Building 32 bits msi installer..." heat.exe dir "release\win-ia32-unpacked\" -o "scripts\msi_installer_files.wxs" -scom -frag -srd -sreg -gg -cg MattermostDesktopFiles -t "scripts\msi_installer_files_replace_id.xslt" -dr INSTALLDIR candle.exe -dPlatform=x86 "scripts\msi_installer.wxs" "scripts\msi_installer_files.wxs" -o "scripts\" light.exe "scripts\msi_installer.wixobj" "scripts\msi_installer_files.wixobj" -loc "resources\windows\msi_i18n\en_US.wxl" -o "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi" -b "release\win-ia32-unpacked\" Print-Info "Building 64 bits msi installer..." heat.exe dir "release\win-unpacked\" -o "scripts\msi_installer_files.wxs" -scom -frag -srd -sreg -gg -cg MattermostDesktopFiles -t "scripts\msi_installer_files_replace_id.xslt" -t "scripts\msi_installer_files_set_win64.xslt" -dr INSTALLDIR candle.exe -dPlatform=x64 "scripts\msi_installer.wxs" "scripts\msi_installer_files.wxs" -o "scripts\" light.exe "scripts\msi_installer.wixobj" "scripts\msi_installer_files.wixobj" -loc "resources\windows\msi_i18n\en_US.wxl" -o "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi" -b "release\win-unpacked\" # Only sign the executable and .dll if this is a release and not a pull request # check. if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $true) { Print-Info "Signing mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi (waiting for 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 # Dual signing is not supported on msi files. Is it recommended to sign with 256 hash. # src.: https://security.stackexchange.com/a/124685/84134 # src.: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-us/d4b70ecd-a883-4289-8047-cc9cde28b492#0b3e3b80-6b3b-463f-ac1e-1bf0dc831952 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi" /d "mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi" Print-Info "Signing mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi (waiting for 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "resources\windows\certificate\mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTED" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 "release\mattermost-desktop-\$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi" /d "mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi" } elseif (Test-Path 'env:PFX') { Print-Info "Signing mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi (waiting for 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 # Dual signing is not supported on msi files. Is it recommended to sign with 256 hash. # src.: https://security.stackexchange.com/a/124685/84134 # src.: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-us/d4b70ecd-a883-4289-8047-cc9cde28b492#0b3e3b80-6b3b-463f-ac1e-1bf0dc831952 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi" /d "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x86.msi" Print-Info "Signing mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi (waiting for 15 seconds)..." Start-Sleep -s 15 signtool.exe sign /f "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" /p "$env:PFX_KEY" /tr "http://timestamp.digicert.com" /fd sha256 /td sha256 "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi" /d "release\mattermost-desktop-$($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_BUILD_ID)-x64.msi" } else { Print-Info "Not signing msi" } } function Get-Cert { if (Test-Path 'env:PFX') { Print-Info "Getting windows certificate" [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx", [Convert]::FromBase64String($env:PFX)) $password = "$env:PFX_KEY" | convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force Print-Info "Importing certificate into the machine" Import-PfxCertificate -filepath "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" cert:\localMachine\my -password $password } else { Print-Warning "No variable environment found, build will not be signed" } } function Remove-Cert { if (Test-Path 'env:PFX') { Print-Info "Removing windows certificate" Remove-Item -path "./mattermost-desktop-windows.pfx" } } function Run-Build { Check-Deps -Verbose -Throwable Prepare-Path Get-Cert Run-BuildId Run-BuildChangelog Run-BuildElectron Run-BuildForceSignature Run-BuildLicense Run-BuildMsi Remove-Cert } function Run-Test { Check-Deps -Verbose -Throwable Prepare-Path npm test } #endregion ################################################################################ # Main function ################################################################################ #region function Main { try { if ($makeRule -eq $null) { Print-Info "No argument passed to the make file. Executing ""all"" rule." $makeRule = "all" } Backup-ComputerState switch ($makeRule.toLower()) { "all" { Install-Deps Run-Build } "build" { Run-Build } "test" { Run-Test } "install-deps" { Install-Deps } "optimize" { Optimize-Build } "debug" { Enable-AppVeyorRDP } "install-cert" { Get-Cert } "remove-cert" { Remove-Cert } default { Print-Error "Makefile argument ""$_"" is invalid. Build process aborted." } } $env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_EXECUTION_SUCCESS = $true $exitcode = 0 } catch { switch ($_.Exception.Message) { "com.mattermost.makefile.deps.missing" { Print-Error "The following dependencies are missing: $($missing -Join ', ').`n Please install dependencies as an administrator:`n # makefile.ps1 install-deps" $exitcode = -1 } "com.mattermost.makefile.deps.notadmin" { Print-Error "Installing dependencies requires admin privileges. Operation aborted.`n Please reexecute this makefile as an administrator:`n # makefile.ps1 install-deps" $exitcode = -2 } "com.mattermost.makefile.deps.wix" { Print-Error "There was nothing wrong with your source code,but we found a problem installing wix toolset and couldn't continue. please try re-running the job." $exitcode = -3 } default { Print-Error "Another error occurred: $_" $exitcode = -100 } } } finally { if (!($env:COM_MATTERMOST_MAKEFILE_EXECUTION_SUCCESS)) { Print-Warning "Makefile interrupted by Ctrl + C or by another interruption handler." } Restore-ComputerState exit $exitcode } } Main #endregion