I confirm (by marking "x" in the [ ] below: [x]): - [ ] This is not a troubleshooting question. If you have having issues, please send us a message in the [Peer-to-peer Help](https://community-daily.mattermost.com/core/channels/peer-to-peer-help) or the [Developers: Desktop App](https://community-daily.mattermost.com/core/channels/desktop-app) channels on the Mattermost Community server - [ ] I have read [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/mattermost/desktop/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). --- **Summary** **Steps to reproduce** **Expected behavior** **Observed behavior** **Possible fixes** --- [JIRA tickets](https://mattermost.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=-4&jql=component%20%3D%20%22Desktop%20App%22%20order%20by%20created%20DESC) are created for all valid bug reports filed here. Bugs and features that the Mattermost core team are not immediately working on are opened as [Help Wanted GitHub issues](https://developers.mattermost.com/contribute/getting-started/contribution-checklist/) and welcome to contributions. Our goal is to bring the Mattermost desktop repository into our day-to-day internal process with the hope of having more frequent desktop releases with faster feature development and turnaround time on bug fixes.