# Contributing Guidelines Thank you for your contributing! My requests are few things. Please read below. ## Issue Thank you for feedback. When you report a problem, please pay attention to following points. ### Does it happen on web browsers? (especially Chrome) electron-mattermost is based on Electron. It integrates Chrome as a browser window. If the problem appears on web browsers, it may be the issue for Mattermost (or Chrome). ### Try "Clear Cache and Reload" It's available as `Ctrl(Command) + Shift + R`. Some layout problems are caused by browser cache. Especially, this kind of issue might happen when you have updated Mattermost server. ### Write detailed information Following points are very helpful to understand the problem. * How to reproduce, step-by-step * Expected behavior (or what is wrong) * Screenshots (for GUI issues) * electron-mattermost version * OS * Mattermost version ## Pull request PR is welcome. Thank you for your great works! When you edit the code, please run `npm run prettify` before your `git commit`. Codes will be formatted. Then, such as following points are helpful. * Tested OS * Tested Mattermost version * Test codes for your changes