'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const path = require('path'); const env = require('../../modules/environment'); describe('browser/index.html', function desc() { this.timeout(30000); const config = { version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'example_1', url: env.mattermostURL + '1' }, { name: 'example_2', url: env.mattermostURL + '2' }] }; const serverPort = 8181; before(() => { function serverCallback(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.end(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(env.sourceRootDir, 'test/modules/test.html'), 'utf-8')); } this.server = http.createServer(serverCallback).listen(serverPort, ''); }); beforeEach(() => { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify(config)); this.app = env.getSpectronApp(); return this.app.start(); }); afterEach(() => { if (this.app && this.app.isRunning()) { return this.app.stop(); } return true; }); after((done) => { this.server.close(done); }); it('should NOT show tabs when there is one team', () => { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify({ url: env.mattermostURL })); return this.app.restart().then(() => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). isExisting('#tabBar').then((existing) => existing.should.be.false); }); }); it('should set src of webview from config file', () => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). getAttribute('#mattermostView0', 'src').then((src) => src.should.equal(config.teams[0].url)). getAttribute('#mattermostView1', 'src').then((src) => src.should.equal(config.teams[1].url)). isExisting('#mattermostView2').then((existing) => existing.should.be.false); }); it('should set name of tab from config file', () => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). getText('#teamTabItem0').then((text) => text.should.equal(config.teams[0].name)). getText('#teamTabItem1').then((text) => text.should.equal(config.teams[1].name)); }); it('should show only the selected team', () => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). isVisible('#mattermostView0').then((visible) => visible.should.be.true). isVisible('#mattermostView1').then((visible) => visible.should.be.false). click('#teamTabItem1'). waitForVisible('#mattermostView1', 2000). isVisible('#mattermostView0').then((visible) => visible.should.be.false); }); it('should show error when using incorrect URL', () => { this.timeout(30000); fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify({ version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'error_1', url: 'http://false' }] })); return this.app.restart().then(() => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). waitForVisible('#mattermostView0-fail', 20000); }); }); it('should set window title by using webview\'s one', () => { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify({ version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'title_test', url: `http://localhost:${serverPort}` }] })); return this.app.restart().then(() => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().pause(2000); }).then(() => { return this.app.browserWindow.getTitle(); }).then((title) => title.should.equal('Mattermost Desktop testing html')); }); // Skip because it's very unstable in CI it.skip('should update window title when the activated tab\'s title is updated', () => { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify({ version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'title_test_0', url: `http://localhost:${serverPort}` }, { name: 'title_test_1', url: `http://localhost:${serverPort}` }] })); return this.app.restart().then(() => { return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded().pause(500); }).then(() => { // Note: Indices of webview are correct. // Somehow they are swapped. return this.app.client. windowByIndex(2). execute(() => { document.title = 'Title 0'; }). windowByIndex(0). pause(500). browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => title.should.equal('Title 0')). windowByIndex(1). execute(() => { document.title = 'Title 1'; }). windowByIndex(0). pause(500). browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => title.should.equal('Title 0')); }); }); // Skip because it's very unstable in CI it.skip('should update window title when a tab is selected', () => { fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify({ version: 1, teams: [{ name: 'title_test_0', url: `http://localhost:${serverPort}` }, { name: 'title_test_1', url: `http://localhost:${serverPort}` }] })); return this.app.restart().then(() => { // Note: Indices of webview are correct. // Somehow they are swapped. return this.app.client. waitUntilWindowLoaded(). pause(500). windowByIndex(2). execute(() => { document.title = 'Title 0'; }). windowByIndex(1). execute(() => { document.title = 'Title 1'; }). windowByIndex(0). pause(500). browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => title.should.equal('Title 0')). click('#teamTabItem1'). pause(500). browserWindow.getTitle().then((title) => title.should.equal('Title 1')); }); }); it('should open the new server prompt after clicking the add button', () => { // See settings_test for specs that cover the actual prompt return this.app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded(). click('#addServerButton'). pause(500). isExisting('#newServerModal').then((existing) => existing.should.be.true); }); });