const React = require('react'); const {Grid, Row} = require('react-bootstrap'); const {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron'); const url = require('url'); const LoginModal = require('./LoginModal.jsx'); const MattermostView = require('./MattermostView.jsx'); const TabBar = require('./TabBar.jsx'); const HoveringURL = require('./HoveringURL.jsx'); const MainPage = React.createClass({ propTypes: { disablewebsecurity: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onUnreadCountChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, teams: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired }, getInitialState() { return { key: 0, unreadCounts: new Array(this.props.teams.length), mentionCounts: new Array(this.props.teams.length), unreadAtActive: new Array(this.props.teams.length), mentionAtActiveCounts: new Array(this.props.teams.length), loginQueue: [], targetURL: '' }; }, componentDidMount() { var self = this; ipcRenderer.on('login-request', (event, request, authInfo) => { self.setState({ loginRequired: true }); const loginQueue = self.state.loginQueue; loginQueue.push({ request, authInfo }); self.setState({ loginQueue }); }); // can't switch tabs sequencially for some reason... ipcRenderer.on('switch-tab', (event, key) => { this.handleSelect(key); }); ipcRenderer.on('select-next-tab', () => { this.handleSelect(this.state.key + 1); }); ipcRenderer.on('select-previous-tab', () => { this.handleSelect(this.state.key - 1); }); // reload the activated tab ipcRenderer.on('reload-tab', () => { this.refs[`mattermostView${this.state.key}`].reload(); }); ipcRenderer.on('clear-cache-and-reload-tab', () => { this.refs[`mattermostView${this.state.key}`].clearCacheAndReload(); }); // activate search box in current tab ipcRenderer.on('activate-search-box', () => { const webview = document.getElementById('mattermostView' + self.state.key); webview.send('activate-search-box'); }); // activate search box in current chunnel ipcRenderer.on('activate-search-box-in-channel', () => { const webview = document.getElementById('mattermostView' + self.state.key); webview.send('activate-search-box-in-channel'); }); function focusListener() { self.handleOnTeamFocused(self.state.key); self.refs[`mattermostView${self.state.key}`].focusOnWebView(); } var currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.on('focus', focusListener); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { currentWindow.removeListener('focus', focusListener); }); //goBack and goForward ipcRenderer.on('go-back', () => { const mattermost = self.refs[`mattermostView${self.state.key}`]; if (mattermost.canGoBack()) { mattermost.goBack(); } }); ipcRenderer.on('go-forward', () => { const mattermost = self.refs[`mattermostView${self.state.key}`]; if (mattermost.canGoForward()) { mattermost.goForward(); } }); }, componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (prevState.key !== this.state.key) { // i.e. When tab has been changed this.refs[`mattermostView${this.state.key}`].focusOnWebView(); } }, handleSelect(key) { const newKey = (this.props.teams.length + key) % this.props.teams.length; this.setState({ key: newKey }); this.handleOnTeamFocused(newKey); var webview = document.getElementById('mattermostView' + newKey); ipcRenderer.send('update-title', { title: webview.getTitle() }); }, handleUnreadCountChange(index, unreadCount, mentionCount, isUnread, isMentioned) { var unreadCounts = this.state.unreadCounts; var mentionCounts = this.state.mentionCounts; var unreadAtActive = this.state.unreadAtActive; var mentionAtActiveCounts = this.state.mentionAtActiveCounts; unreadCounts[index] = unreadCount; mentionCounts[index] = mentionCount; // Never turn on the unreadAtActive flag at current focused tab. if (this.state.key !== index || !remote.getCurrentWindow().isFocused()) { unreadAtActive[index] = unreadAtActive[index] || isUnread; if (isMentioned) { mentionAtActiveCounts[index]++; } } this.setState({ unreadCounts, mentionCounts, unreadAtActive, mentionAtActiveCounts }); this.handleUnreadCountTotalChange(); }, markReadAtActive(index) { var unreadAtActive = this.state.unreadAtActive; var mentionAtActiveCounts = this.state.mentionAtActiveCounts; unreadAtActive[index] = false; mentionAtActiveCounts[index] = 0; this.setState({ unreadAtActive, mentionAtActiveCounts }); this.handleUnreadCountTotalChange(); }, handleUnreadCountTotalChange() { if (this.props.onUnreadCountChange) { var allUnreadCount = this.state.unreadCounts.reduce((prev, curr) => { return prev + curr; }, 0); this.state.unreadAtActive.forEach((state) => { if (state) { allUnreadCount += 1; } }); var allMentionCount = this.state.mentionCounts.reduce((prev, curr) => { return prev + curr; }, 0); this.state.mentionAtActiveCounts.forEach((count) => { allMentionCount += count; }); this.props.onUnreadCountChange(allUnreadCount, allMentionCount); } }, handleOnTeamFocused(index) { // Turn off the flag to indicate whether unread message of active channel contains at current tab. this.markReadAtActive(index); }, visibleStyle(visible) { var visibility = visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; return { position: 'absolute', top: (this.props.teams.length > 1) ? 42 : 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, visibility }; }, handleLogin(request, username, password) { ipcRenderer.send('login-credentials', request, username, password); const loginQueue = this.state.loginQueue; loginQueue.shift(); this.setState({loginQueue}); }, handleLoginCancel() { const loginQueue = this.state.loginQueue; loginQueue.shift(); this.setState({loginQueue}); }, handleTargetURLChange(targetURL) { this.setState({targetURL}); }, render() { var self = this; var tabsRow; if (this.props.teams.length > 1) { tabsRow = ( ); } var views =, index) => { function handleUnreadCountChange(unreadCount, mentionCount, isUnread, isMentioned) { self.handleUnreadCountChange(index, unreadCount, mentionCount, isUnread, isMentioned); } function handleNotificationClick() { self.handleSelect(index); } var id = 'mattermostView' + index; var isActive = self.state.key === index; return ( ); }); var viewsRow = ( {views} ); var request = null; var authServerURL = null; var authInfo = null; if (this.state.loginQueue.length !== 0) { request = this.state.loginQueue[0].request; const tmpURL = url.parse(this.state.loginQueue[0].request.url); authServerURL = `${tmpURL.protocol}//${}`; authInfo = this.state.loginQueue[0].authInfo; } return (
{ tabsRow } { viewsRow }
); } }); module.exports = MainPage;