// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for license information. 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const env = require('../../modules/environment'); const {asyncSleep} = require('../../modules/utils'); describe('MM-T2633 Back button should behave as expected', function desc() { this.timeout(30000); const config = { ...env.demoConfig, teams: [ { name: 'community', url: 'https://community.mattermost.com', order: 0, tabs: [ { name: 'TAB_MESSAGING', order: 0, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_FOCALBOARD', order: 1, isOpen: true, }, { name: 'TAB_PLAYBOOKS', order: 2, isOpen: true, }, ], lastActiveTab: 0, }, ], }; let mainWindow; let firstServer; let backButton; before(async () => { env.cleanDataDir(); env.createTestUserDataDir(); env.cleanTestConfig(); fs.writeFileSync(env.configFilePath, JSON.stringify(config)); await asyncSleep(1000); this.app = await env.getApp(); this.serverMap = await env.getServerMap(this.app); mainWindow = this.app.windows().find((window) => window.url().includes('index')); const loadingScreen = this.app.windows().find((window) => window.url().includes('loadingScreen')); await loadingScreen.waitForSelector('.LoadingScreen', {state: 'hidden'}); firstServer = this.serverMap[`${config.teams[0].name}___TAB_MESSAGING`].win; await firstServer.click('a:has-text("OneLogin")'); backButton = await mainWindow.waitForSelector('button:has-text("Back")'); }); after(async () => { if (this.app) { await this.app.close(); } await env.clearElectronInstances(); }); it('MM-T2633_1 after clicking OneLogin, back button should appear', async () => { backButton.should.not.be.null; const poweredByOneLogin = await firstServer.waitForSelector('a:has-text("Powered by OneLogin")'); poweredByOneLogin.should.not.be.null; }); it('MM-T2633_2 after clicking Back, should be back on the login screen', async () => { await backButton.click(); const loginPrompt = await firstServer.waitForSelector('#input_loginId'); loginPrompt.should.not.be.null; await mainWindow.waitForSelector('button:has-text("Back")', {state: 'hidden'}); }); it('MM-T2633_3 on the OneLogin screen, should still allow links to be clicked and still show the Back button', async () => { let isNewWindow = false; this.app.on('window', () => { isNewWindow = true; }); const oneLoginUrl = firstServer.url(); await firstServer.click('a:has-text("OneLogin")'); const poweredByOneLogin = await firstServer.waitForSelector('a:has-text("Powered by OneLogin")'); poweredByOneLogin.click(); backButton = await mainWindow.waitForSelector('button:has-text("Back")'); backButton.should.not.be.null; const frameUrl = firstServer.url(); frameUrl.should.not.equal(oneLoginUrl); isNewWindow.should.be.false; await firstServer.waitForSelector('a:has-text("Powered by OneLogin")', {state: 'hidden'}); }); it('MM-T2633_4 after click Back twice, user should be on the main login screen again', async () => { await backButton.click(); await firstServer.waitForURL('https://mattermost.onelogin.com/**'); await backButton.click(); const loginPrompt = await firstServer.waitForSelector('#input_loginId'); loginPrompt.should.not.be.null; }); });