aaron 057377207a
Some checks failed
release / begin-notification (push) Has been cancelled
release / build-linux (push) Has been cancelled
release / build-msi-installer (push) Has been cancelled
release / build-mac-installer (push) Has been cancelled
release / upload-to-s3 (push) Has been cancelled
release / github-release (push) Has been cancelled
release / end-notification (push) Has been cancelled
first commit bois
2024-10-03 06:35:14 -07:00

53 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable file

set -eu
# Requires sha256sum, on osx you can do
# brew install coreutils
function print_link {
local URL="${1}"
local CHECKSUM="$(curl -s -S -L "${URL}" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')"
echo "- ${URL}"
echo " - SHA-256 Checksum: \`${CHECKSUM}\`"
VERSION="$1" # such as 3.7.1, 4.0.0-rc1
cat <<-MD
### Mattermost Desktop v${VERSION} has been cut!
Release notes can be found here:
The download links can be found below.
#### Windows - installer files
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-win-x64.msi")
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-win-arm64.msi") (beta)
#### Windows - zip files
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}")
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}") (beta)
#### Mac
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-mac-universal.dmg")
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-mac-x64.dmg")
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-mac-m1.dmg")
#### Linux
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-arm64.tar.gz") (beta)
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz")
#### Linux (Unofficial) - deb files
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop_${VERSION}-1_arm64.deb") (beta)
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop_${VERSION}-1_amd64.deb")
#### Linux (Unofficial) - rpm files (beta)
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-aarch64.rpm") (beta)
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-x86_64.rpm")
#### Linux (Unofficial) - AppImage files
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-arm64.AppImage") (beta)
$(print_link "${BASE_URL}/mattermost-desktop-${VERSION}-linux-x86_64.AppImage")