2016-09-25 19:45:52 +09:00

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Mattermost Desktop Development Guides

Build instructions


  • C++ environment which supports C++11 (e.g. VS 2015, Xcode, GCC)
  • Python 2.7
  • Node.js 4.2.0 or later
  • Git

Installing dependencies

npm install is executed twice to install dependencies of src/ directory.

$ npm install


Build JavaScript codes with webpack, and copy other assets into dist/ directory.

$ npm run build

After building is done, you can execute the application with npm start.


Execute automated tests.

$ npm test

There are two steps in npm test.

Test functionality:

$ npm run test:app

Test coding style:

$ npm run test:code

Helper commmands

npm run watch

Reload the application automatically when you have saved source codes.

mpm run prettify

Format the source codes to pass npm test.

npm run package

You can package this application with following commands. Packages will be created in release/ directory.

$ npm run package (for your platform)
$ npm run package:windows (Requires Windows or Wine)
$ npm run package:osx (Requires macOS or Linux)
$ npm run package:linux
$ npm run package:all (Packages for all platform)

Create a windows installer with the following command. It will appear in the release\windows-installer directory.

$ npm run installer

Directory Structure

Mattermost Desktop
├── docs/ - Documentations.
├── resources/ - Resources which are used outside of the application codes.
├── scripts/ - Helper scripts.
├── src/ - Application source code.
│   ├── browser/ - Implemtation of Electron's renderer process.
│   │   ├── components/ - React.js components.
│   │   ├── css/ - Stylesheets.
│   │   ├── js/ - Helper JavaScript modules.
│   │   └── webview/ - Injection code for Electron's <webview> tag.
│   ├── common/ - Common JavaScript modules for both Electron's processes.
│   ├── main/ - Implemtation of Electron's main process.
│   │   └── menus/ - Application menu.
│   └── resources/ - Resources which are loaded from the application codes.
└── test/ - Automated tests.
    ├── modules/ - Scripts which are commonly used in tests.
    └── specs/ - Test scripts.

Other directories

  • dist/ - Built application code and asset.
  • node_modules/ - Third party Node.js modules to build the application.
  • release/ - Packaged distributable applications.
  • src/node_modules/ - Third party Node.js modules to use in the application.