2016-01-16 17:04:23 +09:00

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Electron-Mattermost Setup Guides

Step-by-step Windows 7 setup

Windows 8 and 10 have similar way.

  1. Download the latest release of electron-attermost

    Find the file ending in if you're running a x64 version of Windows and if you're running an older 32-bit version.

  2. From the /Downloads directory right-click on the file and select "Extract All..."

    A new directory should be created on your PC.

  3. Go to /electron-mattermost... directory and double-click on electron-mattermost file to start the application

    You should see a new application called electron-mattermost open.

  4. Press Alt key to bring up the menu at the top of the window, then click File -> Settings

  5. For each Mattermost team you'd like to use, enter its Name and URL then click Add

  6. Click Save to save your setting

    You're now ready to use electron-mattermost to interact with multiple teams from one desktop application

    To quit, use Ctrl+Q

Step-by-step OS X setup

For OS X 10.11 El Capitan. An older version of OS X has similar way.

  1. Download the latest release of electron-mattermost

    Find the file ending in -osx.tar.gz.

  2. From the /Downloads directory double-click on the file."

    A new directory should be created on your Mac.

  3. Go to /electron-mattermost... directory and right-click on electron-mattermost package and select "Open"

    If you see a dialog to confirm the application, select "Open".

    You should see a new application called electron-mattermost open.

  4. Click electron-mattermost from the menu at the top of the screen, then click Settings

  5. For each Mattermost team you'd like to use, enter its Name and URL then click Add

  6. Click Save to save your setting

    You're now ready to use electron-mattermost to interact with multiple teams from one desktop application

    To quit, use Command+Q